The Seeker's Muse

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A Reflection: To My Son and Daughter-in-Law on Their Wedding Day

For weeks before
I found myself weeping
Over every little thing
seemingly from nowhere

A baby cooing, Avatar 2
a favorite song, a sweet memory
Opened the tear duct spigot
Waterworks aplenty

We need a song for the mother-son dance
The girls will be crying he predicts
I confess
I already am

This longest chapter milestone
doesn’t make me sad
This emotion I’m feeling
is one of deep connection

Connection to Him
to Her
to Them
And everything else that is beautiful

Witnessing them embark on this adventure
I am naturally reflecting
on his milestones
Especially the character-building ones

As a devoted big brother
helping Santa Claus with a million piece lego set
His commitment to soccer
The lessons only a team sport can teach

The bully he stood up to for his best friend
Ranger School
Special Forces Selection
And the most important impressing you enough to have as his life partner

You give him the space to be
his funny, smart and goofy self
A place held for a select few
I believe the fortunate few who are blessed to understand him

I always worried he would
bring someone home
that wasn’t nice to him
I warned his older sisters many times

It would be their fault if this came to fruition
But now I realize
his sisters also modeled unconditional love
and because of this model he found you

You have brought out a tender side I didn’t know he had
when you are around he wants to take care of you
sneaking in a kiss, making you a meal
it is clear you are his world

This tenderness spills into other relationships
On the way out the door from a recent visit he said to his little brother
I love coming home but my favorite part of it
is spending time with you

Our next chapter as mother and son
has forever changed — Nothing is permanent
Now as mother and son and daughter-in-law
You make embracing this change an adventure I look forward to

Always remember the advice we’ve given you
You two are the team
Always take care of her
Because while you are the King of your Castle

She will always be your Queen — I love you