The Seeker's Muse

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Better Together

Unplash Brenda Ragland

This introvert loves her

solo time

So when I had a moment

to golf by myself

I took it

I bet you I love this

I told myself

It was a gorgeous day

Trees finally showing off

their changing ways

Not cold but not hot

It was perfection


This will be great

I started out playing well

Well for me which isn’t fabulous

but then it happened

“Just play through us”

OK, I sheepishly replied

Immediately regretting

the answer

But acting as if

I didn’t

No pressure

They reminded me

Take your time

Against their advice

Against my gut

I hurried my game

Golf requires

My total presence

I was losing it

The fun

The moment

The love

My mind

Trying to create more distance

To relieve the pressure

I rushed

Losing balls

F-bombs a plenty

Wanting to drive away

Then I caught a threesome

They offered to have me

join them

Against my introverted inclination

I agreed

Quick introductions

Bonnie, Kathy, and Joe

We were off to enjoy the game together

My game slowed down

We watched and supported one another

No keeping score

Just enjoying the game


I learned something

A big something

One that will change the way

I approach many things in life.

One plus one is greater than two

A walk with a friend

A shared cup of coffee

Playing a game

A walk in the labyrinth

Anything with my husband

And apparently with

Bonnie, Joe, and Kathy

We are better together

The next time someone says

Do you want to join me?

Say yes

I’m pretty sure

it will take you

to a better place