The Seeker's Muse

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From Principled to Perfection.

It sounds a little strange, I know. Principled to Perfection - after all, no one is perfect and striving to be perfect is exhausting. But that is the path of Type One Ennea-type, the Idealist.

Type One, on the Enneagram, is principled, mission/purpose-oriented, objective, and conscientious. When they are behaving in an average way, they feel personally responsible for fixing things, serious, self-controlled, opinionated, judgmental, and perfectionistic. However, there is a space for them to grow into their gifts. In this space, they, at their best, choose the right means to the right end, are wise, accepting of themselves and others, and serene.

Coaching a group recently, the Type One in the group admitted she was noticing an issue with anger. Knowing the Enneagram well enough, I knew why, it was her Shadow. Recognizing this shadow, anger is the first step in a One’s Path to Wholeness. It is in our shadow work, where we find significant growth. I can’t speak for a One, but I can speak for a Five and the self-awareness of the shadow is instrumental in our spiritual growth. We start to recognize the different forms it takes throughout our day, in the case of the One, it turns into resentment, the neural addiction a One would use to substantiate the feelings of Anger. Let me explain.

Type One’s Saboteur is the Stickler. According to PQ Intelligence, the Stickler seeks perfectionism and a need for order and organization taken too far. The Stickler shows up as irritable, tense, opinionated, and sarcastic (read: resentment).  She is also highly critical of herself and others.  The Stickler has a strong need for self-control and self-restraint. The lies the Stickler tells us is that “This is a personal obligation. It is up to me to fix whatever mess I encounter.” This Saboteur leaves the One with constant frustration and disappointment with self and others for not living up to ideal standards.  But within this Saboteur, as with all Saboteurs, there is the potential for growth. It is in this valley of darkness where we can discover our grind, grit, and grace as Beatrice Chestnut author of The Complete Enneagram calls it, and find the path from vice to virtue.

Type One’s Holy Idea (Whole-y Idea), True Self Identity, or whatever other spiritual label you would like to use is Perfection. This doesn’t mean the Type One is in charge of striving toward Perfection. They are already trying that (and probably struggling with it as all types struggle with their strengths). It isn’t working so well. But if they understand the Universe is already perfect and the role of the One is to be a part of this perfection in our imperfection, they can let go of their rules and relax into the truth that the Universe has got them. This is true about every single Ennea-type. We all have our strengths, shadow, Saboteur, and Whole-y Idea. In each one of our roles, we must learn to step into the grace that the Universe has for us, as a whole and as a type, and lean into our role into the bigger picture, grand scheme, perfectly imperfect plan. Only then, can we be at peace and live to our full potential.

So while Perfection is the ultimate goal for the One, when asleep they misidentify with their strengths. It isn’t until they wake up to all that is perfect, that they can sit in the knowledge that their strengths are part of a beautiful Truth.