The Seeker's Muse

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Dreams Aren't Just Weird

If I have sugar

before bed

I don’t sleep well

true for people

who drink at night

but this one isn’t a lecture

So I swore it off

asked the Universe

I want to dream

I want to remember

my dreams

so I can learn from them

I want to contribute

to the world

I muse

In a bigger way

I long

but the problem is I don’t know how

So I ask

no actually

I beg

for guidance

for a roadmap a compass

and instructions come in my dreams

With the request submitted

The demand is answered

I struggle

in the morning

What the heck?

Not another dream about travel

The car is gone (again)

usually in my dreams

I am driving

without a map

but this time

no vehicle?

I giggle over the reminder

I’m not in the driver’s seat

I know this

but the busybody in me

struggles with

Living in the Mystery

I call it

Surrender and

ask the Universe for

clearer instructions

how can I serve

Show me the way

I dream that night to paint

a lanternfish

oh wait, it isn’t that

It’s an anglerfish

The one with the light

guiding her way

the light hanging from

the top of her head

Guiding her in the deepest

darkest depths

of the sea

the one in my dreams, a little cuter than reality

but still not that cute

Taught by Youngest the

females are much much bigger

than the males

but no reverse chauvinism here

this one isn’t that lecture either

The female can grow to

five feet

while the men

only as big as flies

just sayin’

But again, not the place for pointing fingers

I’m supposed to paint that?

This wannabe artist questions

the dream

the interpretation

Paint it if you choose

but that isn’t the insight

The insight is

Follow Your Light

the Light will guide you

In the deepest

darkest depths of your journey

The light is the way

so I do my best

to shine it

wherever I go

in my coaching sessions

My training sessions

for my family and tea with a friend

At my guilty pleasure

Jersey Mikes

to the cashier

and consciously to anyone

else that day

wherever whenever

When you know your job

is to shine your light

you go about your

day differently

But this isn’t just my job

this is our job

So shine brightly

Wherever you go

for your lover

your friend your children

a stranger the cashier

it is infectious and contagious

in a good way


and those in our lives

will shine their’s too

in a good way

like you like us

And the next time you dream

Don’t just chalk it up to


look for the hidden meanings

We have them for a reason

Now wake up and find yours