The Seeker's Muse

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Grateful for My Sins

Raised within the boundaries of primary 

and secondary Catholic schools

sin was a big topic

and my sins

later in life

were always a matter of the heart

On a recent weekend to Lake Placid

I reflected on my biggest sin

the one where

we ended two marriages

hurt two people

two mostly innocent people

Because Lake Placid is the home of

my second marriage

right on her little sister 

Mirror lake

Where we said “I do"

And then canoed

I’ve always said 

The Universe conspired

It was my way of putting

The blame somewhere else

Deflecting ownership

probably another sin

We bumbled through

raising four children together 

and starting a 

small business in a small town

The odds against us

in so many ways 

And then on

another Lake Placid weekend 

a man became an Ironman

and despite the depletion


Iron Daddy

A few months later

We learn “it’s a boy”

My love jumping over the hospital bed

Squinting at the ultrasound

Are you sure?

Doc confirming his dream came true


Living in sin

Pregnant unwed

A trifecta of sins 

of the heart

At least I am consistent

And then he arrived

To a crazy house 

filled with its share of problems

But the underlying theme


Love permeates our family

That trifecta of sins

The sins in someone else’s eyes

Written in someone else’s book

Don’t guilt me like

They used to

because I know the truth

The truth that how could 

something, someone

some young man

so beautiful ever

Be considered

A sin

Filled with wonder, love

Compassion, kindness

Smart, thoughtful, and a protector

An introvert by nature

A teenager without ego 

and by choice without a phone

A loved young man

Raised with siblings-love

exponentially more powerful

Than the love of two

Our legacy is one of love

Modeled Given Received

Like my Daddy 

Used to say

“Don’t fight it - it is bigger than both of us” 

I’m so grateful we didn’t

Because our son

Is a solid young man

Ultimately the Universe is Love

And that love

love written in the stars

Forever ago

Is leaving a legacy of love

One that will carry on much longer than us

And no religion or book can guilt 

Me because

Sin is no longer

A part of my vocabulary

A chapter I gladly closed

Much longer ago than 16 years

It makes me curious

Who are we to judge someone’s


Incapable of knowledge 

Without the jog in their shoes

Deep gratitude for the other beautiful sins