The Seeker's Muse

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What a Flash Mob Taught Me

She asked months ago

Can you make a dream come true?

To be in a flash mob

A bucket list item

She could check off

I love to teach dance

Vowed to teach when I can

So when it came time

for a flash mob

I said yes, without thinking

It’s ok

It will be fun

I told myself

For months

Really, and truly, it WILL be fun

But just days remain

And the sleepless nights


Participants confirmed

Rehearsals going well

Why am I so anxious?

The choreography is fine

They are having fun afterall

So what is wrong?

Oh yes I recall

25 years ago

A mall at Christmas time

Where I was meant to perform

The source of anxiety begins to

Percolate out of the memory bank

That morning busy

The youngest was months old

A hair appointment

a performance too

As the morning turned to afternoon

Harried and frazzled, late for the show

Preoccupied with almost expelling milk

and the blown straight hair in my face

My mind drew a blank

Not a step could be recalled

I left the mall in tears

The stress of a

my baby and how I let her down

Not to mention the teacher,

the dancers and all the Christmas shoppers

Now the mob just hours away

You will be up front, right?

Who, me?

As I anxiously wondered,

Will I remember these moves I know so well?

But the flash mobbers were ready

The music was cued

The marketers marketing

I took a deep breath

And asked to remember

The joy of my loved ones

The joy in my heart reminded me

I love to teach, but I LOVE to dance

Admittedly it was fun

in front of smiling faces

those sleepless nights

that one Christmas show

All those years ago

Is history, or her story

And now I have a new one

I did it

WE did it

Recalling my anxiousness

It’s a one and done

Don’t even think about it

Until next time