The Seeker's Muse

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Bye Bye Social Media

Every week when I sit down to do my social media, I dread it. I love doing the watercolors and occasionally finding an inspiring quote but truthfully, the required commitment feels unauthentic and drains me. So, I’ve decided to say goodbye to social media and instead use my energy to do the work I love.

But how will you build your business (you might ask)? Great question. I don’t really know how it will grow without social media. The truth is, it didn’t with it! Instead, I plan to put my energy into what I really love - writing, coaching people, and spreading light and love. This newsletter (more consistently written weekly) will include an “ask the muse” section (send in your burning coaching questions), giveaways (including workshops, coaching sessions, and more), inspirational quotes (of course!), my weekly blog, and more. My request is if you find value in it, you share it with your friends. Truly this is how I build an audience - the support of my current subscribers sharing the love.

Let’s see where this strategy takes us! So for this week….


My Holding Space for Health workshop is FULL. But if you are interested in the next time or know someone who might be, please forward this email so they can subscribe to it and be the first to know about the next session. I had offered two other workshops, but RSVPs were too low. If you are interested in the other two workshops, please email me and we can see if there are enough interested participants.


This 12-week workshop will take participants on a personal journey to discover what it means to take care of their bodies. You will learn the scale is not your enemy and that weight loss, while it is work, is not a one-size-fits-everyone.  We will strategize your best exercise plan, too.  My commitment to you is supporting you and providing tools for 12 weeks.  Your commitment to me is:

  1. Purchase a scale and weigh yourself daily

  2. Keep a daily food journal

  3. No alcohol

  4. Exercise (this will be defined and discussed)

If you are ready, email me.  Limited to 10 people.  Zoom meetings,  Thursdays 7:00 - 8:30 pm EST begins 1/5 and runs through 3/30 (no class 2/23).    

These two workshops are also FREE

Holding Space for Relationships

This 6-week workshop will help us improve all of our relationships - children, spouses, friends, coworkers, community members, and those we don’t know.  Together we will work through tools and their application in daily life.  My commitment to you is supporting you and providing tools for 6 weeks.  Your commitment to me is:  

  1. Keeping a habit tracker

  2. Light journaling

If you are ready, email me.  Limited to 10 people. Zoom meetings,  Tuesdays 8:30 - 10:00 pm EST, begins 1/3 and runs through 2/7.  

Holding Space for Soul

This 6-week workshop provides a framework for a deeper sense of knowing your True Self,  your Soul.  Together we will work through self-discovery tools to aid in reflection and discover what truly matters in our lives.   My commitment to you is to assist this process through fun exercises for 6 weeks.  Your commitment to me is a habit tracker and an open heart.  

If you are ready, email me.  Limited to 10 people.  Zoom meetings, Thursdays 8:30 - 10:00 pm EST, begins 1/5 and runs through 2/9.


Since I don’t have a question this week, I thought I would share an experience that happened over Christmas week with my grown children. We were on day 6 of spending time together (full disclosure - they were in their own Airbnb). The topic, unfortunately, of politics came up. We have a moderate son and a strong liberal daughter in the house to name just two opinions. My daughter was deeply offended by her brother, who was choosing not to vote if he didn’t like either candidate. It escalated. My cool manner wasn’t working. Finally, I said, (very loudly), “BE QUIET! BOTH OF YOU ZIP YOUR LIPS.” (not really the advice I would suggest but it got them to be quiet). When they realized I was serious (I never raise my voice) and things settled down, I gave them a quick lesson in perspective. There is no right or wrong. There is simply perspective and the sooner you can embrace this concept, the sooner you will have peace (especially with your sibling!). A lesson, you (and apparently I) can use whenever things are getting a bit heated. Here is a bit more on this lesson from my book (edited excerpt), The little Guide to Finding Our Lost Souls.

When emotions are flaring you have to change the story, change

the voice inside your head, the story you are telling yourself. This is your

Influenced Self getting in the way. All the attacks my grown children felt, they were taking it

personally, but it wasn’t personal, it was perspective. It does not matter who

is right or wrong, it just is and most of it is not true, just roles with

attached stories. These little storms and stories with resolution (agreeing to disagree)

enforce the bond and encourage growth together. You show up as the adult you

want to be, the one you agreed to be when you entered into the

relationship in the first place. Not everyone acts like an adult so

just make peace with this reality. You don’t need to explain to the

people in your life that their Influenced Self is getting in the way.

That isn’t your job, as tempting as it might be.

It is your job though to recognize your Influenced Self and tame it at the moment.