The Seeker's Muse

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A Healthier You Starts Tuesday!


Over the years, I've offered several Holding Space for Health variations but my last group was the first one to begin to explore Mental Fitness.  Mental Fitness is our capacity to respond to life's challenges with a positive rather than a negative mindset and is one of the keys to unlocking a healthier version of yourself.

In my latest "Space" derivative, we will be exploring Mental Fitness as an operating system for healthier choices. Of course, it can be applied to any life situation, but OUR emphasis will be health.  

The same rules apply (no drinking, weighing yourself daily, food journal, and exercise) but we will be exploring the root causes of our current operating system and how to change it at a moment's notice no matter the circumstance.  Mental Fitness includes a weekly homework video series (one hour weekly on the weekends) and an app to provide even more accountability.

So here is the breakdown:

When and where:  Begins 8/29 Tuesday evenings 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm via Zoom

What:  Seven weeks of group coaching including tools and weekly quotes, group sharing, AND access to a world-class app - it is wonderful!

Cost:  $200

Limited to 8 people

If you have been on the fence about attending the Holding Space for Health workshop, maybe this Thank You note I recently received will help with your decision:

Photo by Courtney Hedger on Unsplash

“I want to let you know how grateful I am to have come across your Holding Space workshop. Truthfully, I was in a pretty dark place all of those weeks ago and I wasn’t sure how to begin to find the light or if I even wanted to. Now, nine weeks later, I feel as though I’ve made some significant progress in my health and wellness thanks to your workshop and our weekly meetings. Your genuine guidance, positive nature, infectious smile, words of wisdom, and inspirational quotes (I could go on…) have impacted how I ‘curate’ my days. I’m beginning to find MY light again, something that’s been missing for far too long. So thank you for all that you do to help those that need a little guidance or some encouragement or that gentle reminder that is okay to hold space ourselves.”

And since YOU read to the bottom of my newsletter, I have a very special treat. I am just starting to fine tune my Enneagram coaching work and I need some guinea pigs to work through Enneagram typing sessions. This is FREE to the first five people to sign up!

Enneagram is a very powerful tool used for personal and spiritual growth. It has given me the ability to see things about myself I definitely would not have recognized before delving into all that Enneagram has to offer. There are no strings attached. This is a typing session. You will most likely walk away with your Type (I say “most likely” because you will need to be self-aware) and I will follow up with an email including some recommended readings and other references.