The Seeker's Muse

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How the Superbowl opened my heart.

Photo by Dave Adamson on Unsplash

This week as we chatted with our clients at the gym, inevitably Superbowl came up as part of our small talk - "So do you have plans for the Superbowl?”

The question was posed to a local woman whose son passed away a year ago this weekend. I felt the pain in my heart as she was asked and relayed how she would be spending it with loved ones. As it was time for her to leave, I approached her and let her know I was thinking of her. We embraced tightly and I just wanted to hold space for her in her tears and give her and Jack (her son) that moment of love. She was grateful and I was also grateful I stepped out of my comfort zone to share that moment with her.

As a type Five, I am keenly aware (now) that I can be pretty matter-of-fact and rational as my Center of Intelligence is my Head. To balance out this Center, I have placed some stones in my vest pocket I wear at work: a heart to remind me to give love, a hand to remind me to be of service, and a cross to remind me to surrender to the Universe. A little rub of these stones gave me that gentle nudge to be with this mom in a moment when she needed someone. Not a brag, just letting you know that this personal growth journey of observation, reflection, and development is lifelong and I try to practice it daily. Even though I know plenty about my Type Five, there is still plenty to observe (hey, Julie, what are you doing right now?), reflect (why are you behaving this way?), and develop (the pivot necessary for growth). We all have access to these tools, it is a matter of implementing them.

My experience with Julie and the Enneagram has been a wonderful growth experience. Julie created a safe and fun place to explore my true self and pinpoint my type. With Julie's guidance, I get excited while researching about my type and finding ways of thinking and coping strategies that really hit home. I would highly recommend Julie Roick's services and support while taking the Enneagram and for further exploration into self-growth. (Jaime R.)

It is much easier to tune into these tools when you know your Type so please take advantage of my FREE Enneagram typing session. It has the potential to drastically change your growth journey.

Deep Dive Workshop begins March 7th!

In March, I am planning a Deep Dive into the Enneagram Workshop to meet on

Thursday nights for six weeks.

I am limiting this to 6 people. We will cover:                                                   

  • Arrows and Wings      

  • Centers of Intelligence      

  • Passion (Shadow)

  • Fixation

  • Saboteurs (including those of wings and arrows)             

  • Basic Fear

  • Subtypes:  Self-Pres, Social and Sexual     

  • Triads:  Harmonic, Hornevian, Relational                          

  • Desire

  • Virtue       

  • Childhood message/Underlying Childhood message      

  • Core longing                                                                        

  • Levels of Development    

  • True Self Identity (Greatest Strength)

    Hence the term “Deep Dive”! There is a lot to learn with the Enneagram and certainly, you can do it yourself, but a Deep Dive with a group of like-minded learners and not-so-like-minded Types will help you become more self-observant, reflective, and pivot to self-development all while learning even more about others. This investment in yourself is $400 or 8 payments of $50. Here is the link to this workshop.


My blog this week is all about Type Five