Oh, the places I want to go!
Meeting new coaches on LinkedIn has proven to be quite a self-development and business development experience and has me thinking about all of the places I want my coaching practice to go. Most of the coaches I meet, want to coach me which is fine and has proven to be quite educational.
“So pitch me and I will give you feedback.” (I don’t have a pitch - yet)
“Why are you giving this away? You should be charging.” (I do, just not for typing)
“I would like to offer something in return.” (I always think this is sweet and fun, learning how others coach 1:1 offers great lessons for me personally and professionally.)
“I have an idea…. you should tape your session and have evergreen material.” (loved this idea!)
So, I continue to bounce ideas around in my head:
DIY self-paced Deep Dive
Wordsmithing the types and their journey to Essence
My own 7-minute practices
Workshops by Enneagram subject
Group coaching by Type (this Fall)
If you are interested in group coaching by Type this Fall, please email me with your type so I can see which ones to offer.
This week’s blog breaks down the Instincts as I have been experiencing them while Brock is at Cadet Basic Training. I continue to learn so much in my 13-month intensive course and the Instincts have proven to be yet another amazing discovery. Russ Hudson thinks they are more important than knowing your Type! Powerful stuff.
Also, if for some crazy reason you have not subscribed to Russ Hudson’s monthly practices, here is his latest: https://vimeo.com/974482779/f452b400ca?share=copy