The Seeker's Muse

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Surrender and other tough practices

As you see from my habit tracker (below), I’m all about self-improvement, personal growth or whatever else you want to call it. I know, I know - people don’t like to use self-improvement anymore, but the truth is we are all a work in progress and if we think we are perfect as is, where is the growth? This week, in my blog and in my one-on-one conversations, the recurrent theme seems to be Surrender - Living in the Mystery. After all, we can only control our actions and reactions, after that, it is up to the Universe and it is up to us to get comfortable with the not-knowing, i.e. Surrender. Did you know that the Christian cross is really a symbol for Surrender? I learned that this week (listening to Eckhart Tolle on Audible - The Journey Into Yourself - which is fabulous by the way) and it made me weepy. It was just so beautiful and powerful, almost made me want to run out and buy a cross (which I won’t) or tattoo it on my wrist (which I really won’t) but still very powerful and now I have a different perspective when I see them on others. My visual reminder to Surrender. And I will tack it on to my habit tracker - as another reminder, I am not in control!

Workshop updates

Holding Space for Health: This week I introduced the habit tracker. This is a fabulous addition to my daily life that holds me accountable for the things I want to work on. I call it my Future Self. Here is an example of mine.

In the workshop, I ask participants to start one, not for eating well and exercising (and no alcohol and weighing in) but for a completely different habit - one that they have wanted to integrate into their lives but haven’t found an accountability tool. I have eating well and exercise on mine but I also have art, write and read/learn. Of course, taking care of my body is for my future self, but the other things are equally important. My goal is to show them that the habit tracker is for their future selves and that what we do now matters. Like Lao Tzu said:

Watch your thoughts, they become your words, watch your words, they become your actions, watch your actions they become your habits, watch your habits, they become your character, watch your character, it becomes your destiny.


Holding Space for Soul: This week we began to tackle Influenced Self (Ego) and all of the hats we wear and the stories associated with those hats. A big topic but an important one in order to come home to your True Self. We read the first chapter in The little Guide to Finding Our Lost Souls and together we held space for each other to break down what Ego means, the role it plays in our lives, and how to discern it from reality. Yes, Big Stuff! To be continued next week.

Blog: Dreams Aren’t Just Weird.

This week’s blog includes how my dream interpretation about

an anglerfish led to a higher Truth.