The Seeker's Muse

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The Big Takeways from Holding Space for Health

We spent 13 weeks together, 12 sessions (skipped vacation week). By week THREE those that were going to stay the course, had their heads in the game. Some people right from the start knew they were in it. By week Seven, mindset had changed. Interestingly, that is one week longer than my first program which I felt wasn’t long enough. The group ended up really caring about each other and wanting one another to have success. Thursday night was a night everyone looked forward to, to connect, share and support. Final notes on the FOUR RULES:

  1. The scale is a friend not a foe. Must be a lifelong habit.

  2. Exercise is a nonnegotiable.

  3. The food journal is a tool that some people need to hold on to, others don’t.

  4. Alcohol - a hot topic. No right or wrong on this one. Just keep it in check.

There you have it! I am debating about when to offer it again. Maybe throughout the summer. Stay tuned.

If you would like to read my blog this week, its about what I would say if I was invited to do a Ted Talk. Check it out here.