The 3PU Program is a 12 week journey of self-discovery. Together, we will set (and reach) attainable goals for your health and wellness, implement relationship tools helping EVERY relationship in your life, and will culminate our 12 weeks with life purpose exercises to get you on your road to your “why”.

Get ready, this is going to be fun!

Pay for the full 12 weeks up front and get a discount.

or make 3 monthly payments

Still not sure?

Still not sure? Book a free 45 minute appointment with me and find out all you need to know about this 12 week program.

Absolutely NO obligation. I hate sales so I wont even try.

Need convincing? Watch a 14 minute edited clip of 1:1 coaching as we work through Week 11 of Life Purpose.

One final option…

you can do this program on your own.

This option includes all the materials and is a fabulous guide!

Unfortunately, this does not include 1:1 coaching.

You can certainly sign up for group coaching, but that is not included in the price.