Messy to Magical is a supportive Enneagram Community.
All leveled-up ($50/month) Messy to Magical members receive the following:
Confirmation of your Enneagram Point: Assessments are 60% accurate. We will dive into your top four results to parse through what hats you are wearing for the roles you play in life and get into your deepest essential qualities.
weekly group guidance (Tuesdays and/or Saturdays): With different perspectives showing up, you’ll gain insight into your behaviors and those around you, drastically improving all of your relationships.
monthly workshop to discuss the monthly theme: As you learn about the Enneagram, you’ll begin to see how it applies to your life and step into your potentiality.
quarterly intensives for members only: We all need a space to do some of the deeper work and this space is the place. With occasional guest appearances and a deeper dive into all things Enneagram, this will definitely raise your consciousness.
PLUS, everything that is included in the FREE version:
Daily inspiration: Quick inspiring messages.
A habit tracker for our 7-minute practice: Based on the Law of Seven and it’s dynamism, this practice helps us tap into all three Centers of Intelligence and helps us listen to the Intelligence each has to offer. This practice alone has powerful growth opportunities helping us respond instead of react.
A monthly book club: Reading and discussing Enneagram books allows us to reflect on the Enneagram in a way we might not otherwise do. Information is power.
Polls and questions to build community: A glance into each community member’s Monday check-in status.
Monthly Enneagram topics: Topics as evergreen material help support our Monthly Theme.