1. On page 9, work through the chart with a few of your roles and hats and the stories associated with these roles. Briefly describe them.
2. Describe your Influenced Self
3. Describe a situation where your IS showed up and how you dealt with it.
4. On page 45, choose 3 values and work through a.) what is in it for me? and b.) what is expected of me?
We are One
5. Reflect on the journal questions for Letting Go on page 57. Which questions get you out of your comfort zone? How does Letting Go feel?
6. Reflect on the Journal questions for Acceptance on page 69. How can you change judgment to Acceptance?
7. Reflect on the journal questions for Surrender on page 73. What are you trying to control? How does it feel to surrender to the truth that we can only control our actions and reactions, nothing else?
8. Which three Awakened values from page 75 do you want to practice and what is your plan for integrating them?
9. How did you use Space during an event this week? How would the outcome be different without this tool?
10. Why or why not are we One?
Live with Intention
11. Integrate a daily meditation practice. What are your initial observations regarding this new practice?
12. In what ways can you integrate a gratitude practice in your life?
13. When are you in FLOW? Give a few examples.
14. Which three True Self Values resonate with you and how you can integrate them into a practice?