It all starts with making sure you are typed correctly.  If you are caught between two types and our initial sessions did not confirm your type, it will be important to solidify that before we start coaching.  This can be done on your own or you can meet with me ($125/hour).  

Once we have established your type, here are your engagement options with me:  

 A) Dive into the Enneagram  $500 (1 month, 4 hours, 1 hour 1x/week)

    • Centers of Intelligence with Presence Practice

    • Personality - Passion and Fixation

    • Inner lines and Wings    

B)  Deeper Dive $2225 (total of 4.5 months of weekly sessions)

Includes “A” (deeper dive into above topics over 2 months with weekly meetings)

Centers of Intelligence - Presence practice

     The Fourth Way

Essential Qualities including Basic Fear/Basic Desire

Passion/Emotional Operation/Suffering - Mental Fixation/Saboteur

Arrows including Missing Piece - growth and stress 

Wings (review of Essential Qualities)

PLUS (additional 2.5 months with weekly meetings)

Laws of One, Three and Seven

Life Script

Overall Quality

Social Role

Wake up call

Inner Critic Message

Levels of Development

Triadic Groups

Instinctual Drives


C) Deepest Dive $2750 (total of 5.5 months)

Includes A + B (4.5 months total with weekly meetings)

PLUS (additional month with weekly meetings)

Holy Ideas


Additional Enneagram applications

D)  The Enneagram in Relationships $700

Typing for partner

Package A for Two (sessions are with both partners)

Everything I offer is designed to help you have a transformational personal growth experience.  What is not included in this list is the shift my clients experience when working with me – the work we do together has resulted in my clients developing a renewed sense of purpose through the observation of Ego and Personality to Essence and a developing a oneness in the world, not of it.

Contact me to start this investment in your personal growth journey.