The Seeker's Muse

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The latest workshop musings and my blog, Orphaned

Please remember to forward this newsletter to anyone who might benefit.

This week doesn’t commemorate anything special about my parents, I just had a dream about them and it spiraled me into writing about it. Read the blog here.

Holding Space for Soul

This week we tackled Awakened Values from page 74 of The little Guide to Finding Our Lost Souls. Participants were tasked with finding just three to work on. The list is extensive which made the exercise difficult but it also let them see how many they are already integrating in their lives which is so valuable to the world. We need more people showing up for others in these ways. Check it out below. Which ones do you want to focus on this week?

Holding Space for Health

This week the participants seemed to be settling into their new normal of no alcohol, food journaling, weighing in and mixing up their exercise to keep it interesting and “fun.” We touched on habit trackers and the different tweaks that need to be made now and again to invoke change in our lives. I chatted about intrinsic vs extrinsic motivation and found that while several participants seem to be intrinsically motivated at this point (their successes definitely fuel this) there are others who need some external motivation. For those women, we have a plan in place. Let’s see how this unfolds.