Transformed People Transform People: With your awareness, comes their awareness
Once, a while ago, on a walk with a friend, I lamented how slow my coaching practice was taking off. “I want to make a difference,” I told her, “I want to impact lives but not tomorrow - I want it done YESTERDAY!” She listened and said, “Jules, you’ve impacted my life and in turn, I have impacted my husband, children, family, and friends - your work has a ripple effect. You are changing the world.” She is so sweet and I’m not sure how true that is, but I thought about this recently as I noticed a shift happening with the participants in my workshops this week.
During Week 1 of my Deep Dive workshop, the participants showed up saying “I never realized I did that” or “I noticed this week how I reacted when _____ happened,” or “When so-and-so does _____, I do _____.” There were other a-ha moments and they all embody what Richard Rohr writes in The Naked Now - We don’t see things how they are, we see things how we are. Seeing ourselves for the first time helps us uncover this truth and then we begin to see others in a completely different light. We realize we’ve been seeing them the way we are. Acknowledging this gives us a different perspective, our reactions shift and those of others in our lives will shift. Transformed people transform people (another steal from Richard Rohr).
While you may have opted out of my workshops, I do have a DIY-ish option. In upcoming blogs, I will take you on a journey - The Spiral of Discovery - where you will learn the Enneagram topics I am covering in the Deep Dive. I hope they get you thinking about yourself. My goal is to help you shift a little so your life shifts (for the better) and those in your life do too. You can read this week’s blog here.