The Seeker's Muse

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Finding the Divine

The view of Mount Mansfield from our Recreation Path.

I’m not easily impressed. I think my former Marine husband has worn off on me. It takes a lot for me to get excited, even more for me to be inspired. I live a life of contentment, neither super high or super low - just so. But just because I’m not easily excitable doesn’t mean I live a life without awe.

Living in a beautiful town, nature impresses me daily, yes even when it is negative twenty degrees. Her bounty and beauty know no bounds and day after day, season after season, I am humbled by Mother Nature’s surprises, variety, and mystery. Walking along our Recreation Path, I stop and take it in - the majesty of Mount Mansfield, the way the snow deafens the sounds of civilization, the animal activity, big and small, living with purpose. It’s truly a miracle.

It’s easy to be inspired by natural wonders and beauty. We can label it divine, a gift from God, awe-some. Most people feel so much better having spent time in nature. Why do you think that is? I think it is because we are more deeply connected with Source when we are in nature, making it easier to be inspired and full of awe. We have had a glimpse of natural perfection, Source’s most glorious gift.

But we humans are also a part of this gift, a part of this beauty and awe. We are a part of nature. We just don’t treat each other like this, mostly because a whole lot of baggage (Ego, aka Influenced Self - for those who have read my book) comes when humans are on display. Yet, we experience many moments in our day of this awe-some-ness. For example,

The sweet wonder of a baby.

That smile from your lover.

The heartfelt hug from a close friend.

Speaking eye-to-eye and heart-to-heart with a child.

The sincere thank you from a stranger.

Those synchronistic moments at your work.

These moments are from a place of wonder, awe, loving energy, dare I say, God, divinity, grace, mystery. We can capture these moments at any time. Yes, even with people we just don’t understand or who challenge us daily. We just need to be aware and awake, awakening to the Observer. We can get easily distracted by our attachments, judgments, and control of the Other and miss these everyday opportunities to connect deeper. When we are in nature, nature doesn’t show up with any baggage, it just is. We appreciate the miracle of its beauty. What if we took that same approach to our daily interactions and found daily divinity with one another? Can we accept our human-kind as they were intended, and find the beauty in them just like we do in nature?

This is a practice (you know I’m big on those). By releasing our attachments, judgment and control of our day-to-day encounters we can have that same awe-some experience we do in nature, with one another. I am going to challenge you with a big ask. Do this today with someone who you find challenging. Really be with them, give them space, room for their soulful perfection (leave the Influenced Self out of this) and acknowledge how beautiful they really are. Do you see them differently? Is your experience with them different with this shift in consciousness? Now, do this with a loved one, or a close friend. Feel the depth of their soul, observe them, observe the moment. This is a moment of grace, of mystery, of deep energetic love, a soulful moment. This is how we find the divine in everything, the way Source intended. Embracing daily divinity is a life lived with purpose, faith, and humility. Sounds like a good one, maybe not super exciting but definitely ‘just so.’ We could all use a little just so right now.