The Seeker's Muse

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Stepping into the Mystery

Photo by Carolina Pimenta on Unsplash

When they were growing up

Five of them

I was in total control


Planning play dates

Sports schedules

Family Fun


Younger and energized

Ego sporting

the t-shirt reading

On a Mission

It is no wonder

Those years flew by


But not really present

What did I miss

What everyone else misses

The here and now

Becomes the there and then

Now with more time

The youngest in the nest

Before he flies too 

Ready or not

I pursue the things

I dream of

Writing Coaching

All things spiritual

And I’ve learned about

False Self

Being Present


and Surrender

the hardest one for me

Living in the Mystery

without control

But the one with 

guaranteed happiness

or guaranteed peace 

I like to call it

When we release the grip

And only focus 

on what we can control

our actions and reactions

You leave the rest

Up to Source

Turning it over to the Universe

God Love Energy

The suffering ends

the anxiety and worries 

are left behind

Only peace remains

And you live in the Mystery

the way life was intended 

so you can 

be fully present 

For what really matters


Right here

Right now

Curating creations

my writing 

my painting

my relationships

So I can 

hold space

for a client a friend

my husband my children

Now I can simply 

be with him

before he flies

watching life unfold 

In peace in the Mystery