The Observer - A Seeker's Answer March 8, 2023 Julie Roick Photo by 🇸🇮 Janko Ferlič on Unsplash Wake uplook aroundreturn to toddlerhoodwhere loveinquiry andcuriosity resideListenLookFeelBreatheThe Universe iswhisperingFalling on the deafor zombiedThat text, tweetemail or photoSeemingly more importantPeaceStillnessReceiveEnergyShe is patientomnipresentwaiting for usto notice herThe majestyThe gloryBeautyWonderAweGraceEverything we needright herein the quietIf we just stopand becomespaciousnessLaughterLoveGiftsGratitudeThe lover embracesThe friend sharesThe child growsThe stranger smileslife is herein these momentsSpacePatienceReciprocityTruthEgo is goneTrue Selfshows upto shine ourtalents and giftsas she intendedInnocenceLifeRadianceJoyAll right hereRight nowIf only we wake upand becomeThe ObserverAnd TheSeekingEnds