In an effort for my readers to understand the Enneagram, I’m going back to basics. Here we go.
The other day on a LinkedIn call, a woman asked me to describe the Enneagram to a five-year-old. I struggled. So I asked Copilot (Microsoft’s CHATgpt) and this is what it said: Imagine there are nine different kinds of superpowers that people can have. The Enneagram is a way to understand what kind of superpower you have, like being really kind, brave, or smart. It helps you know why you feel and act a certain way. Learning about other people's superpowers helps you understand them better, too!
Pretty good stuff.
So how did Copilot respond when I asked “Describe the Enneagram in five simple sentences.” Again: The Enneagram is a tool that helps people understand their personalities. It divides people into nine types, each with its own set of traits and behaviors. Each type has strengths and challenges, and knowing your type can help you grow. It also helps you understand how you relate to others. The Enneagram promotes self-awareness and empathy.
BAM. This Copilot thing is awesome - don’t worry, it won’t write my blogs!
So let’s go back to some basics. Yes, there are nine types (aka Points, Numbers). On this graphic of the Enneagram, I have included their names (according to Russ Hudson and Don Riso - other teachers have other names) and two “positive” and two “negative” qualities about each. If you don’t know your Point (or type or number), maybe you could guess off of just this information. And yes, I know, you are more than a number. So am I, but we start with a number and move on from there. Keeping it simple! Next week, I will chat about those lines inside the circle.