This week's musings plus a special discount for newsletter recipients Only

Before we get into this week’s musings, I will be offering only my newsletter subscribers a special discount on the next series of The little Guide to Finding Our Lost Souls workshop series. This next series starts the week of April 25. Use the coupon NEWSLETTER to receive $25 off. Offer expires 4/15 so sign up NOW!

Also, my book is now out of pre-order status on Amazon. Please share this link with your friends so they too can start changing their lives with the practices in the book! Here is the link:

Finally, here are this week’s postings:

This week’s blog is all about habits - again! Making the changes you want to in your life starts with setting up a practice and practicing purposefully. I share my dailies in this week’s blog.

This is true whether you want to improve your health, relationships or spiritual connection. Only a practice will lead to growth.

Ryder Carroll’s book was instrumental in my dot journal organization and commitment to my dailies. A great reference if you want to start journaling your life.