Continuing to Live in the Mystery

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Many times I sit down at my computer, take a moment or two of silence and then see what happens while my fingers press down on the keyboard. This week, I continue to embrace living in the mystery, as many times, I have no idea what is going to come out!

I was told months ago by my astrologist (I know, you may not be a believer and that is ok) that something big would be happening in March so I wrestle with “the doing without the knowing” - seemingly my theme for 2023 - living in the Mystery.

Below, I embrace this with my watercolor practice AND introduce my 12 Future Self Principles. The watercolor work is just an exercise my good friend and art mentor, Sally, suggested I play with. So I did. Not a finished product, BUT by putting it out there, I am forced to continue to live in the mystery, adding to it and seeing what else percolates.

Move forward in the unknowing and KNOW that is ok. This is living in the Mystery, towards the Unknown with daily forward motion whether you know the why or not.

Click on the watercolor below to be taken to my 12 Future Self Principles - my blog for this week. The essence of my coaching practice all rolled up into a neat list of

12 daily to-dos.

Holding Space for Health Workshop

 Document the moments you feel most in love with yourself, what you’re wearing, who you’re around, what you’re doing.  Recreate and repeat.  Warsan Shire

I LOVE IT! A beautiful reminder to keep loving ourselves and repeating how that feels. So important.

This week in our workshop, we worked on having homework, self-prescribed homework, and the workshop seemed to be fueled with more intention. I wrote everyone’s plan down for the next two weeks as we held space for one another to re-commit or double-down on our health intentions. I am looking forward to seeing what happens over the next two weeks as some people head off for vacations. Like I said to the group, “wherever you are, whether it is in Stowe, VT or Florida, you practice your healthy lifestyle. That doesn’t change.”

Book Club Night - Meet the Author

You know I’m not really one to plug anything I do, but here I go - you’ve been warned. If you are looking for a fun night (or afternoon) with your book club, I would be happy to meet with your group for FREE to discuss my book, The little Guide to Finding Our Lost Souls (which can be purchased here). It’s a great way to spend some time with your book club friends, discussing all things Lost Souls-related and doing a medium-deep dive into the lessons in the book. Just email me and we can arrange it!