One thing the Enneagram has taught me is my typical response to things is just that, typical. It doesn’t mean it’s me. As Russ says, “The Enneagram shows us the unseen.” Wow - I LOVE THAT. So, to my surprise, when I recognized my shadow work (the unseen) and actually worked on it, I found more fulfillment in building my coaching practice.
As a type Five, I am deeply introverted. I also covet (read hoard, possess, obsess over) my resources of time, energy, and money (and books and food and pretty much any other resource). So as I contemplated the work of a Five, I realized, I better face these demons, ahem, shadows, head-on.
I needed a way to cast my net further so I started reaching out to other PQ Intelligence coaches on LinkedIn to discover how they use PQ and teach them how PQ and the Enneagram are related. This is way out of the box for me as this would mean investing my time and energy into total strangers. To my surprise, I actually started enjoying these chats. I went from awkward, to very curious. And you know what happened? They got curious too. So fun! Meeting like-minded coaches who want to help others by sharing their gifts, does it get any better? Apparently, not for me - I LOVE THIS!
So now you can find me holed up in my little office, chatting it up with total strangers. Who would have ever guessed? That is the power of the Enneagram. And I am so thankful for it. Seeing the unseen and working on it. Priceless.
Time to get yourself typed or retyped. This Fall I will be introducing group coaching by Type and it is super important you know your number, and it feels right (even if it feels a little icky at times). Sign up here (even if we’ve already typed together).
Don’t want to wait until the Fall to invest in your journey? You can get a jump start on your personal growth with 1:1 coaching. I offer a monthly subscription for $120/month which includes two half-hour sessions (and homework, of course). You can sign up here You can cancel at any time.
Photo by Emma Schell on Unsplash
This week’s blog takes on The Lesson of the Empty Nest. You can read it here.