Holding Space for Health Returns


Are you tired of yo-yo dieting?

Are you ready to make peace with your body and wellness once and for all?

This 8-week workshop will take you on a personal journey to discover what it means to take care of your body. You will learn the scale is not your enemy and that weight loss, while it is work, is not one-size-fits-everyone.  We will strategize your best exercise plan, too.  My commitment to you includes support and providing tools for 8 weeks.  Your commitment to me is:

  1. Purchase a scale and weigh yourself daily

  2. Keep a daily food journal

  3. No alcohol

  4. Exercise (this will be defined and discussed)

If you are ready, email me.  Limited to first 8 people to register.  Zoom meetings,  Tuesday 7:00 - 8:15 pm EST begin 6/13 (no class 7/4).  $160