I don’t know about you, but the New Year gives me pause to double (triple or quadruple) down on my personal growth goals. New planner? Check. New physical goals? Check. New relationship goals? Check. Spiritual goals? Check. It’s enough to make my head spin (which actually takes a lot) but I love it because I believe any forward motion is forward motion, even if it it gets a little zig-zaggy.
This year, I have resolved to write more. I have found that a newsletter isn’t really the place for my blog musings and I have (semi) committed to a weekly blog and newsletter. This week’s blog is all about how our Path to Wholeness is Right There, within us, in plain sight. While I focus on the Type Two Enneagram model in this blog, every type has its growth Path to Wholeness. I haven’t quite figured out how to present all of them. I’m waiting for the Universe to guide me as I (try to) let go.
So I resolve to write, watercolor, stretch, connect deeper with more people, read, share, get more heart-centered, and build my coaching business. There, I’ve said it. Now you are my witness, so thank you.
What are your resolutions? Do you make them? I would love to hear about them. So please email me and share them with me. We need to hold space for one another and support our efforts toward personal growth. Like-minded women need to support one another.
Hair is a little grayer now (actually a lot grayer).
If you need a little extra New Year’s Resolution accountability, I am offering weekly 15-minute self-care 1:1 coaching sessions as a subscription. You can check that out here.