You live, you learn.

I keep learning, but that is who I am. I was confused why more people didn’t take me up on workshops, coaching, or even DIY options and then I realized, I left them overwhelmed. At the end of my typing sessions, I could feel the overload but I kept giving more information following up with an email loaded with even more.

So now, after some coaching for myself, I’m offering anyone who typed in 2023, to take me up on a 15-minute follow-up appointment so we can go over their type, confirm it is legit, and offer up some next steps. If you thought, “that was kind of cool but it didn’t resonate” then this 15 minute session is for you. I want to get this right! My mission is to help people in their growth journey and if were left feeling empty, I want to fix that. Yes, I’m talking to YOU! Anyone interested in booking this free session can do this here:

This week’s blog is all about the Two’s Path to Wholeness. If you are a Two or even think you know one, this is fantastic information for you to understand what makes them tick. After all, compassion and perspective are how we relate to one another, and understanding the Twos in your life is a relationship changer.