You've read the book - now let's do the WORK!


So many people curled up over the weekend and read my first book, The Little Guide to Finding Our Lost Souls. It’s one thing to read it, it’s another thing to DO IT! I’m offering a three-week workshop to help you do just that. We will meet once a week, on either a Tuesday or a Thursday, via Zoom and work through the journal prompts, holding each other accountable while giving each other space for whatever arises. This is the perfect complement to reading the book. This will help you jump-start your newfound spiritual practices and you will be thrilled to see how they change your life. More spiritually connected to everyone and everything - a life lived on purpose! Begins the week of March 7. Limited to 8 per group. Sign up today! Check out all the details here.


When you review the book on my site (only for those who purchased it through the site, unfortunately), on Amazon, or share the purchase book link on FB, let me know and I will send you a small treat. I deeply appreciate your support on this next-level marketing.

If you missed last Monday’s blog, here it is. It’s forced me to walk the talk all week long. The Universe has a way of doing that.