The Seeker's Muse

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Enneagram: Woo-woo or legit?

So by now, you know I’m obsessed.  Just look at my Ebay, Barnes and Noble and Amazon purchases over the last 5 months.  I’m hooked.  But is this just another Julie spirituality phase, or is this Enneagram thing really legit?

When you google, “Enneagram Science” many articles come up, comparing it to Myers-Briggs personality tests, astrology, and stating the hits #EnneagramCoach gets on TikTok (as if that makes it legit - Is my disdain for social media obvious?).  

There are those claiming it is a parlor game, others swearing by it.  Truthfully, when I first heard about it, I wasn’t impressed.  There are only 9 personalities in the whole world?  Are you really going to reduce me down to a number or worse, a label?  To say I was skeptical is an understatement.  I poo-pooed the idea 100%.

And then I started taking the Positive Intelligence™ coach course.   I read Shirzad Chamine’s book Positive Intelligence and started putting together the pieces.  His theory is based on Jungian types,  the 9 Enneagram types, and the 8 types used in native American and Mayan traditions.  This is coming from the chairman and CEO of the largest coach-training organization in the world, and from someone on faculty at both Stanford and Yale business schools.  Additionally, he has coached hundreds of CEOs of Fortune 500 companies.  

His Positive Intelligence™ based Saboteurs are directly related to the 9 Enneagram types.  

Enneagram Type 1:  The Reformer Saboteur:  Stickler

Enneagram Type 2:  The Helper Saboteur:  Pleaser

Enneagram Type 3:  The Achiever Saboteur:  Hyper-Achiever

Enneagram Type 4:  The Individualist Saboteur:  Victim

Enneagram Type 5:  The Investigator Saboteur:  Hyper-Rational

Enneagram Type 6:  The Loyalist Saboteur:  Hyper-Vigilant

Enneagram Type 7:  The Enthusiast Saboteur:  Restless

Enneagram Type 8:  The Challenger Saboteur:  Controller

Enneagram Type 9:  The Peacemaker Saboteur:  Avoider

Although he is convinced we are fluid with our Saboteurs, they are nonetheless based on our Type.  It is important here, you understand that assessments are just that, a test taken at a moment in time.  You have to do the work to really figure out your type.  You can’t type yourself by an online test, nor can you take the Saboteur Assessment and figure out your dominant Saboteur.  Mine have changed until I was made aware of my type and now I see my dominant Saboteur all the time!

It wasn’t until I took a deep dive into Enneagram that I discovered my type.  Without a coach to guide me, I assumed I was a Type 9.  That happens to be my favorite Type and the one I would like to be (it’s actually Brock’s type).  But after listening to book after book, taking some simple tests these books offered and the RHETI test twice, I discovered my true type.  Coming to terms with my stingy ways (the biggest clue for me was when the woman from Audible said “the Five doesn’t want to share her books” - this stranger knows me!) has been a major growth moment for me.  I wouldn’t have known my type, and now in turn, my fast-tracked path to growth, had I not taken the deep dive in.  

The Enneagram isn’t woo-woo.  Don’t be turned off by the graphic.  I know, it looks a little New Age.  The Enneagram isn’t.  It has been around a long time (originally created in 1915).  It just took me a long time to learn its value.  Don’t let it take you a long time, too.  In my mind, it is the most powerful personal growth tool available.  Take advantage of it and know thyself.