What is Your Superpower?

Photo by Michelle Cassar on Unsplash

Photo by Michelle Cassar on Unsplash

I want to change the world and while I’m a confident person,  I’m just not THAT person.    You know, the Tony Robbins type.  Or not even the Rachel Hollis type, the author of Girl Wash Your Face.   According to a documentary on Netflix, Hollis is filling theaters and delivering her message of inspiration - “If I can do this, you can too!”  I didn’t watch long enough to find out what this was (truthfully, I stopped watching it after about 20 minutes) because being in a crowded room with an uplifting messenger isn’t my jam and just watching this transpire made me uneasy.  It wasn’t her message that didn’t resonate.  It was her conventional approach.  She has an audience warm up girl and when Rachel steps on stage hundreds of women welcome her smiling, clapping and looking on in adoration  She is doing IT!  She is changing the world.  She is making a difference.  If I can’t even watch someone making a difference from my bedroom, how on earth could I get up on a stage and make a difference?  The thought makes me nauseated.  I couldn’t even muster up the will to go see Tony Robbins (pre or post controversy).   So how does this introvert put her big girl pants on and get out there?

One word:  Hancock.  

For those of you unfamiliar with this Will Smith movie (and no, I don’t watch TV all weekend),  Jason Bateman (Ray) is a washed up PR man who is pitching his change-the-world ALL HEART idea to large corporations (who aren’t buying into it), when superhero Will Smith (Hancock) enters his life.  With some fine tuning, Ray changes this heavy drinking, multi-million-dollar-damage-making Hancock into a respectable superhero and changes the world with just this one man.   Yes, I know, it is a movie and yes it was WILL SMITH, but my point is, he changed the world by helping one man become the superhero he was meant to become.  Ray’s talent and love brought out Hancock’s talent and love.  

Enter Sue.

Earlier this week, I was gifted another transit reading with my astrologist, Sue.  During a transit reading, Sue reads her client’s chart about specific events to expect and how to prepare for them based on your personality.   I went to her because I really want to see what was next for me in terms of taking my coaching business to the next level.  I told her I want to change the world and I’m feeling held back.  She asked me if I thought this was a self-esteem issue.  I don’t. I think it is a personality issue.  I told her how much I love working one on one with people. However, I’m feeling I could be more impactful in bigger groups but it isn’t something I love to do.   She quoted Mother Theresa:

“Do small things with great love.”

She always delivers a message I wasn’t expecting.   Yes, there is affirmation and validation from her but more importantly she gives me fresh perspective.  This made me smile.  I was so relieved.   I came to her looking for guidance and maybe even the push to get out there and speak to groups.  She shined a light on my real super power - changing the world by changing lives, one at a time.  When I am working with people either in the gym, in my coaching office or in the prison, I LOVE helping them, person to person.  It is when I am at my best.  She encouraged me to keep doing what I’m doing with love and the universe will send me whatever I need.  I know this to be true.   Love has always been the answer.   Your superpower comes from love and when you spread love, you change lives.  When people tell you, “you are really good at _____.”  Listen to them.  There is no doubt you are not only really good at _____ but you probably love it too.  It comes easy to you.   This love is your ego and Higher Self in alignment.  So get out there and spread your love every single day and together we will fill the world with superheroes.  Just like Sue.