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it is rough! I struggle with providing information and making it fun to look at. Follow me on this journey if you are so inclined ( here is my Instagram handle) as I try to incorporate my love (and lack of skill) for watercolors into my Enneagram teachings. So during the week, especially for the next several, I will take you on each of the Enneagram type’s Path to Wholeness Journey - very simplified. This past week was Type One. I share the journey in my blog which is a summary of my Instagram posts (plus some more details).

Also, remember, I am offering Accountability Coaching. If those New Year’s Resolutions are starting to slip, this is a great way to get back on track and stay on track. You can check out that offering here.

Finally, if you haven’t been typed, you are missing out! Check out my FREE Enneagram Typing Session. Even if you can’t continue coaching with me, I would love to help you get typed. It is such a powerful personal growth tool, one you need to be ready for. But if you are ready, your life will never be the same and you will shortcut your spiritual path with an understanding about the Universe unlike never before. While I have plenty of continued coaching options, there is lots of Enneagram information out there for you DIYers. Happy to help you on your journey so please take me up on this. If you can’t or don’t want to (or better yet, already have), please forward this offer to anyone who might be interested. I really do love helping people find their type.

Saboteur Hyper-Achiever Reflection and Enneagram Upcoming Weekly Workshop

Positive Intelligence™

Ah, the Hyper-Achiever Saboteur. This character belongs predominantly to Enneagram Type 3, the Achiever. This type has many beautiful strengths - driven, pragmatic, adaptable, goal-oriented and self-directed. The Type 3 is also capable of growing self and others. When the Sage is present, Type 3s are inspiring and help others with meaningful growth. But when Hyper-Achiever shows up, things change.

According to PQ Intelligence™, Hyper-Achiever is dependent on constant performance and achievement for self-respect and validation. When this Saboteur is at play, one is focused on external validation, attention and acceptance by others. If this is your main Saboteur, you can suffer from workaholism and lose touch with emotional needs. The Hyper-Achiever is competitive and image-conscious. It tends to cover up insecurities and use chameleon tactics to impress others. This keeps people at a safe distance.

Thoughts of the Hyper-Achiever include “I must be the best at what I do,” “emotions get in the way of performance,” “my worthiness is based on my success.” This Saboteur believes it is important to feel successful and fears intimacy and vulnerability as others would find out about the Hyper-Achiever’s imperfections. The lies this Saboteur tells us is that life is about achieving, a good image equates in results, and that feelings are a distraction. The childhood message may have been that love is conditional and I am loved for my achievements. Parents may have been absent.

If this describes most of your negative thoughts, you may be a Type 3. There are many strategies to overcome these thoughts and actions but it is important to start with the self-command of recognizing when your behaviors are trending towards this Saboteur which the Mental Fitness workshop beginning 10/12 will help with considerably. If you aren’t sure this is your main Saboteur, it is always a good idea to get typed. I am (and will continue to) offering a FREE Enneagram Sessions. You just need to take a couple of assessments and together we will uncover your Enneagram type. Then the real growth begins. Don’t put your head in the sand. Book your FREE appointment today.


Keep your eyes out for my weekly Enneagram Group Sessions coming soon. Once you are typed, you can jump into these workshops and take a deeper dive in a group setting to learn more about what is making you tick. I will be working out the details soon but in the meantime, get typed so you can take advantage of this affordable group coaching option.

Enneagram: Woo-woo or Legit?

Read my blog by clicking on the picture below.