Ahhhh, that's the difference between the Enneagram and those other tests.

The other day I was personally training a client, who happened to also be someone who typed with me. She was a bit confused as to the whole point of the Enneagram and the difference between the Enneagram and other personality assessments. I started to explain how it is a combination of psychology and spirituality (the differentiator). I explained to her that as a Three she likes the spotlight and her personality is such that she tends to showcase her creations (she makes beautiful works of art). That’s the psychology behind her Three-ness - garnering attention. The spirituality behind her type is her true gift - inspiring and teaching others. When she begins to spend more time offering these gifts to the world, she will be less identified with her personality (and what she produces) and more identified with her Essence. She will also feel more present and in flow when she is living on purpose sharing her gift of inspiration and teaching. Shedding our personality so that our light can shine, is really what the Enneagram is all about. I share another aspect of the Enneagram in this week’s blog.

Remember, I offer FREE Enneagram typing sessions. And if you have already been typed, please share this newsletter with a friend! You will have so much more to chat about.

Typed and Retyped: Now it is your turn

Twice this week, once in a follow-up session and once in a workshop, a typed client needed a revisit with their typing. You see, some types look similar, especially when people have “done the work.” This usually has to do with the Nine Type.

Nines are easy-going, non-confrontational, Buddha-like. In one case a Type Two was confused with a Type Nine. These two types share other types through wings and arrows - complicating the situation. The Type Nine has a Wing 8 and Type 2 has an Arrow 8. Type Nine has a Wing 1 and Type 2 has a Wing 1. And, Type Nine has an Arrow 3, and Type 2 has a Wing 3. Sharing three of their four wings and arrows confuses things. They can appear very similar in personality. (See graphics of Nine and Two and their arrows. Wings flank the Types.)

So, if you’ve done the work, you may look and test like a Nine. It isn’t until a slightly deeper dive reveals the mistype. And then the real work can begin. If you are feeling you’ve been mistyped (either with me or a DIY option online, and especially if you have been typed as a Nine), please reach out to me and schedule a FREE appointment. You CANNOT do the real work of self-observation, self-reflection, or self-development until you have been typed correctly. Because only then, do things make sense and you can see your Type-ness in everything you do. Then you can pivot and grow. Yay for you and everyone around you. And for me, because I LOVE when people are able to learn about themselves.

Also, wanted to share that I am officially an Enneagram University Certified Coach. Pretty fun to be certified since it gives me cred which is important for some people. It was a fun certification because for me it was a deep dive into the Enneagram and I learned so much. Still on that learning path but this certification has given me a wonderful head start.

Check out this week’s blog where we continue our Spiral of Discovery and step into Arrows.