What that Uncomfortable Feeling is Really Telling you and more

This week’s blog is all about that uncomfortable feeling we get when people challenge us. Why exactly do you get these feelings and what can you do about it? You can read all about it here.

Soon, this Fall, I will be offering a member-only Enneagram community. As I keep learning in my class, it takes a community to help you grow. You cannot do this journey alone. It promises to be the most transformative year of your life - community, knowledge, challenges, courses, workshops and more all in one place (most included with your affordable membership fee). This is super exciting to me because it gives people the opportunity to engage in many Enneagram resources without the 1:1 coaching experience expense, many people can’t invest in themselves. So please get your friends typed so they too can join in the Fall at an exclusive pre-launch level only of $40. After I launch, this price will increase. Email me with any questions.

Here is the Free Typing session link for your friends!

West Point and Perspective

Brock receiving his nominations from Senator Welch and Congresswoman Ballint. Bernie was sick that day.

Our son, Brock has a big decision to make. He has been offered an appointment to West Point and now must decide if he wants to accept it. The service academy admission process is arduous. Eye exams, physical exams, many letters of recommendation, fitness tests, Senatorial and/or Congressional nominations, etc. Do you know what else is arduous? This Type Five’s struggle with not knowing and my Type Nine son’s perfect contentment to live in the “not-knowing. ” Since Nines struggle with actually knowing what they want they are at ease with a lack of decision-making. So teeth grinding, sleepless nights and Hyper-Rational thinking continue to challenge me as my mantras of “May I let go. May I be here now” continue to play in my mind.

This is a perfect example of how important it is to know your type and the types of the people in your life. Having this perspective on Brock’s personality is a constant reminder to give him the space and do my best to let this process unfold, in Nine time - which is ROUGH! Without this knowledge though, I would be pushing him to make a choice that I need to know causing him more stress than he already is feeling as he makes what could be the biggest decision of his life. He seems perfectly content to sit in the mystery. Once again, my Buddha Brock, teaches me his go-with-the-flow ways despite my Type’s resistance to it. Thank you, honey. Thank you.

Deep Dive Workshop begins March 7th!

In March, I am planning a Deep Dive into the Enneagram Workshop to meet on Thursday nights for six weeks.

I am limiting this to 6 people. We will cover:

  • Centers of Intelligence                                                      

  • Arrows and Wings             

  • Passion (Shadow)

  • Fixation

  • Saboteurs (including those of wings and arrows)                                                                                                

  • Basic Fear

  • Subtypes:  Self-Pres, Social and Sexual     

  • Triads:  Harmonic, Hornevian, Relational                               

  • Desire

  • Virtue       

  • Childhood message/Underlying Childhood message        

  • Core longing                                                                          

  • Levels of Development    

  • True Self Identity (Greatest Strength)

    Hence the term “Deep Dive”! There is a lot to learn with the Enneagram and certainly, you can do it yourself, but a Deep Dive with a group of like-minded learners and not-so-like-minded Types will help you become more self-observant, reflective, and pivot to self-development all while learning even more about others. This investment in yourself is $400 or 8 payments of $50. Here is the link to this workshop but be sure you have been typed with my Free Enneagram Typing Session or it will not make any sense to you.