Happy New Year! The new year is the perfect time to reflect on where your life is and where you want it to be. It’s a great (although often typical) time to give thought to how you can make some incremental changes in your life so that you set yourself up for your Future Self. Of course, anyone who has coached with me knows I’m all about our True Self but that work is a process and it starts with working toward our Future Self through the awareness of the habits of our mind (and ego) and our desire to change how we react to the people and situations in our lives. I have some great (and affordable) coaching options so you can invest in yourself in 2024 but what’s even better? Investing in someone else as well.
I’ve often wondered how I can give back. After working in the women’s correctional facility pre-COVID, I’ve missed that opportunity to connect with women who simply can’t afford my services. I’m so thrilled to announce my new coaching model. I’ve teamed up with You First (a program through the Vermont Department of Health) to gift coaching to women who might not otherwise be able to afford coaching. Now, whenever The Sage Journey Workshop is purchased, another one is gifted to a woman in the You First program. What is The Sage Journey? It is a mental fitness program designed by PQ Intelligence. Powered by the PQ Intelligence™ app, weekly homework, and group coaching sessions, where you will embark on how to change those negative voices in your head and convert them into your Sage-like response in every life situation. The ultimate in self-care, this program works on those engrained neural pathways and gives you the tools to make real changes in your life. All of your relationships will change for the better and in turn, your life will dramatically improve. I’m offering my readers 50% off this amazing life-changing workshop (use the code SPECIAL50). This is a WIN-WIN-WIN! Improve your life, the people in it, and the life of another woman. The next session begins on January 8th, Monday nights from 7-8 pm so sign up for the next six-week workshop today! Remember to use the coupon! Limited to 5 participants.
Other 2024 coaching options include:
Monthly Coaching Subscription ($120, includes 2 half-hour monthly sessions). Twice a month check-ins ensure your continued Enneagram growth path is on track. We will meet for half an hour, twice a month for reflection and actionable steps. Not the Deep Dive, but we will explore how your particular type is affecting your personal and professional life.
Free Enneagram Typing Session: If you’ve been thinking about this, now is the time. Already done it? Refer a friend! This session will allow you to discover your dominant Enneagram type. We will work through two assessments as well as questions to help determine your type. The Enneagram provides a system for you to see the characteristics and qualities you have historically identified with and how you have coped with life. Based on your particular Enneagram orientation, you’ll gain insight into how you make decisions, handle stress, and interact with others. This personal growth tool is unparalleled. Book this a week or two out so I can send you the assessments and prepare for our meeting!
Deep Dive into the Enneagram ($600, Five 1:1 sessions): Your Enneagram type is special and nuanced. Together, we will discover all you need to know to understand yourself and the world around you. This tool is deeply transformational and the most powerful one available for deep, personal growth and change. Your life will never be the same!
Six-Week Enneagram Workshop ($400, 6 group sessions, meets Tuesday 7-8 pm beginning 1/9, limited to six participants) This Group Deep Dive into the Enneagram will cover everything you need to know to continue your Enneagram journey. In this workshop, we will break down Centers of Intelligence, Subtypes, Saboteurs, Arrows and Wings, Triads, Shadow, Virtue, and True Self work. You must be typed in a Free Enneagram typing session before joining the workshop. This is limited to 6 participants.
Lastly, I’d like to leave you with this beautiful parable I recently read in The Complete Enneagram by Beatrice Chestnut:
Photo by Heather Gill on Unsplash
Once upon a time in a not-so-far-away land, there was a kingdom of acorns, nestled at the foot of a grand old oak tree. Since the citizens of this kingdom were modern, fully-Westernized acorns, they went about their business with purposeful energy; and since they were mid-life baby-boomer acorns, they engaged in a lot of self-help courses. There were seminars called “Getting all you can out of your shell.” There were woundedness and recovery groups for acorns who had been bruised in their original fall from the tree. There were spas for oiling and polishing those shells and various acornopathic therapies to enhance longevity and well-being.
One day, in the midst of the kingdom, there appeared a knotty little stranger, apparently dropped “out of the blue” by a passing bird. He was capless and dirty; making an immediate negative impression on his fellow acorns. And crouched beneath the oak tree, he stammered out a wild tale. Pointing upward at the tree, he said, “We……are……that!” Delusional thinking, obviously, the other acorns concluded, but one of them continued to engage him in conversation: “So tell us… how would we become that tree?” “Well,” he said, pointing downward, “it has something to do with going into the ground….. And cracking open the shell.”
“Insane,” they responded. “Totally morbid! Why, then we wouldn’t be acorns anymore.”
I look forward to seeing you in the New Year where together we can hold space for one another and live with intention, into our Oak Tree potential.