Last call for the deeply discounted Sage Journey!

PQ Intelligence™

The Sage Journey is a seven-week course designed to teach you how to tap into your Sage response. It is a beautiful investment in yourself and I’m offering this at a very deep discount.

What is this program exactly?

  • 7 weeks of self-care (where you will identify your sabotaging voices)

  • 3 of these weeks include Sage work (that positive voice where our most beautiful intentions come from)

  • Powered by PQ Intelligence app

  • Weekly weekend hour-long homework

  • Begins 10/31, 7:00 - 8:00 pm on Tuesdays

  • Special coupon: use the coupon SPECIALPRICING (gets you deeply discounted pricing off the regular price shown on my website)

  • Sign up with a friend and save even more!*

*Email me and let me know who you are signing up with so I can get you both in the system. 50% off is because you are sharing the cost or referring a friend. Either way - cheap cheap cheap!

The Sage Journey for Half the price, Group Coaching and FREE Typing Sessions!

PQ Intelligence™

Did someone say Self-Care for the Holidays? Did someone say 50% off? Yes, 50% off.

Now is the perfect time to carve out a self-care regimen in preparation for whatever is coming your way this holiday season. Do this with a friend and you both only pay for one!

What is this program exactly?

  • 7 weeks of self-care (where you will identify your sabotaging voices)

  • 3 of these weeks include Sage work (that positive voice where our most beautiful intentions come from)

  • Powered by PQ Intelligence app

  • Weekly weekend hour-long homework

  • Begins 10/31, 7:00 - 8:00 pm on Tuesdays

  • Special coupon: SPECIALPRICING (gets you deeply discounted pricing of regular price shown)

  • Sign up with a friend and share the cost!*

*Email me and let me know who you are signing up with so I can get you both in the system. 50% off is because you are sharing the cost or referring a friend. Either way - cheap cheap cheap!

Have you already been Enneagram typed?

Now it is time to get working on yourself

Join me beginning October 26th at 7:00 pm for my first Enneagram Group Coaching session where we tackle the Centers of Intelligence. This is a critical first step in balancing out these centers (aka mind, body, and spirit). This investment in your Enneagram Journey is only $35.


The Enneagram provides a system for you to see the characteristics and qualities you have historically identified with and how you have coped with life. Based on your particular Enneagram orientation, you’ll gain insight into how you make decisions, handle stress, and interact with others. Much more than a personality test, the Enneagram provides the structure for the deep personal growth work we are meant to do while on this planet. No other system compares. If you have a friend who you think might enjoy this, please forward this newsletter to them.

Seven weeks of Self-Care (Holiday Prep!), Hyper-Rational Reflection and New Enneagram Group Coaching Offer

Seven weeks of


(Holiday Prep!)

Did someone say Self-Care for the Holidays? Now is the perfect time to carve out a self-care regimen in preparation for whatever is coming your way this holiday season.

This seven-week self-care program will help you identify the sabotaging voices in your head (your Saboteurs) and how you can change them into your Sage voice.  The ultimate in self-care, this program is an empowering journey, focusing most importantly on your self-talk and how this affects every part of your life.   Powered by the PQ Intelligence™ app and weekly group coaching sessions, your life will forever be changed for the positive!

We will meet for 7 weeks on Tuesday nights beginning 10/31 from 7:00 - 8:00 pm. Click here for more details and to sign up!

PQ Intelligence™

If you didn’t know a Hyper-Rational, you do now. Because this is my Saboteur (PQ Intelligence™). Remember, these Saboteurs are directly linked to a Type on the Enneagram and this one belongs to Type Five. Fives are capable of deep insight and understanding through analysis, have the ability to concentrate, dive in towards expertise and knowledge and have explorer and inventor tendencies. Fives are very private people (that is why I come across as stand-off-ish), show feelings through passion and ideas and prefer to observe and analyze from a distance.

The Hyper-Rational thoughts include “The rational mind is most important,” “Feelings are distracting and irrelevant,” “I need to shut out intrusions.” The lie this Saboteur tells you (me) is that that rational mind is the most important, feelings and needs are a wasteful intrusion, and emotions mess things up. These lies limit depth and flexibility in relationships and can intimidate less analytically thinking people.

I’m certainly not proud of my Saboteur, but I can see it clearly now and how it impacts my day to day interactions. I consciously make an effort to bring my Sage strengths to the present whenever I notice my Saboteur is getting in the way. For many people, we can go a lifetime without recognizing these negative behaviors as we have been wired to have them be our go-to reaction, no matter your dominant Saboteur.

I always say in coaching, “Awareness is the first step.” That is why it is so important to be typed properly. If you simply go off of a test you’ve taken or just listened to a podcast, you won’t be fully sure until you bounce thoughts and situations off of another person. I hope you take me up on the FREE Enneagram Session offer. It has been so fun discovering people’s types. My Investigative ways just thrive in these sessions. Book that here!

You’ve already been typed?

Then it is time to dive in. Join me beginning October 26th at 7:00 pm for my first Enneagram Group Coaching session where we tackle the Centers of Intelligence. This is a critical first step in balancing out these centers (aka mind, body, and spirit). You can join me here

This week’s blog is a reflection on my first 10 FREE sessions and what I have learned - to your BENEFIT

Saboteur Pleaser Reflection and Mental Fitness Workshop begins 10/12

PQ Intelligence™

The Pleaser Saboteur, according to PQ Intelligence is the part of us that indirectly tries to gain acceptance and affection by helping, pleasing, rescuing, or flattering others. The Pleaser loses sight of their own needs and becomes resentful as a result (aka pride).

This Saboteur belongs to Enneagram Type 2. Type 2’s strengths include deep empathy, loving and giving, tuning into other people’s feelings and needs, being emotionally self-aware, and having high Emotional Intelligence. These are beautiful qualities. Each Enneagram has its strengths. Our Saboteurs take our strengths and distort their power.

The lies of this Saboteur include “I don’t do this for myself,” “I do this selflessly and don’t expect anything in return,” and “The world would be better if everyone acted this way.” Type 2s feel if they express their own needs they are being selfish. They worry that their own needs drive people away and they get resentful for being taken for granted but struggle to express this.

The Pleaser Saboteur jeopardizes the Type 2’s needs. It leads to burnout and resentment. Others may develop a dependence on you that isn’t healthy. Our Saboteurs always do the opposite of how we think it serves us. If any of this rings a bell, you might be a Type 2. We all know Type 2s. They are usually in the service-oriented industry, giving of themselves. Now you know a little about them.

If you think you are a Type 2, book a FREE Enneagram Session with me and we can confirm it. This will shed invaluable light on your strengths, shadow and how to get back to your True Identity - Will and Freedom.

I am so excited to be offering another workshop, Holding Space for Relationships PLUS Mental Fitness. We are currently working through a Health and Wellness PLUS Mental Fitness workshop, understanding the roles our Saboteurs play in our health decisions. Our Saboteurs wreak havoc on our relationships, too. However, going into the Mental Fitness seven-week series without the real knowledge of your Enneagram type does you a disservice, SO….. you will need to sign up for an Enneagram reading ASAP as I need a week to prepare your typing session and we start on the new Holding Space for Relationships PLUS Mental Fitness on 10/12. Limited to six people.

This Week’s blog is all about the ripple effect of our Sage and

how our Saboteurs are the causes of our storms.