Holding Space for Health Returns


Are you tired of yo-yo dieting?

Are you ready to make peace with your body and wellness once and for all?

This 8-week workshop will take you on a personal journey to discover what it means to take care of your body. You will learn the scale is not your enemy and that weight loss, while it is work, is not one-size-fits-everyone.  We will strategize your best exercise plan, too.  My commitment to you includes support and providing tools for 8 weeks.  Your commitment to me is:

  1. Purchase a scale and weigh yourself daily

  2. Keep a daily food journal

  3. No alcohol

  4. Exercise (this will be defined and discussed)

If you are ready, email me.  Limited to first 8 people to register.  Zoom meetings,  Tuesday 7:00 - 8:15 pm EST begin 6/13 (no class 7/4).  $160

Always the Student

I love to learn. Right now, I am learning all about the Enneagram (much more to come on this topic) and Positive Intelligence. I’m taking courses in both and really enjoying it.

Shirzad Chamine

Positive Intelligence is all about our Saboteurs and changing these little negative characters into our positive Sage powers. This course is based on Shirzad Chamine’s book Positive Intelligence and it is life-changing. I don’t say that about too many books (maybe a dozen at this point) so heed the advice.

In this week’s blog, I tackle The Judge. Mine is The Bully. Check out my blog here and learn all about her!

Cheap Cheap Cheap

Please remember to forward this to anyone who might benefit from my offerings. Thank you!

No - I’m not imitating Easter chicks (that would be cheep cheep cheep) I’m offering inexpensive Group Coaching! I’m limiting my groups to 10 participants (except lunchtime coaching is only for six people) @ $10/session.

Go to my Group Coaching page and register for whichever session works in your schedule. This is a fantastic opportunity to create some forward motion in your life whether it is to be held accountable to your health goals, improve your relationships, or your spiritual journey. Accountability is scientifically proven to work so if you have been wondering why those New Year’s resolutions have come and gone, it is because of a lack of accountability. It isn’t YOU. It is SCIENCE!

Tell a friend and have her/him join you. There is nothing better than double the accountability!

Monday: Lunchtime Group Coaching Noon to 1:00 pm

Tuesday: Group Coaching 4:00 - 5:30 pm

Wednesday: Lunchtime Group Coaching Noon to 1:00 pm

Thursday: Group coaching 6:00 - 7:30 pm (begins 4/6)

No blog this week…..maybe next week.

Influenced Self explained - podcast!

Please remember to forward this to anyone who might benefit and enjoy it. Thank you!

My blog this week tackles three years ago this week and what I have learned. Read it here.

Short and sweet this week. Check out the podcast I did last week with Kathleen Doehla. We chatted mostly about the Influenced Self but of course, two women on a podcast - other topics are tackled too! Check it out here:

Relationship and Soul workshops set to begin next week!




Read my weekly blog here. This week - The Observer, A Seekers Answer.

Holding Space for Relationships

This 5-week workshop will help us improve all of our relationships - children, spouses, friends, coworkers, community members, and those we don’t know.  Together we will work through tools and their application in daily life.  My commitment to you is supporting you and providing tools for 6 weeks.  Your commitment to me is weekly light homework.

If you are ready, email me.  Limited to 6 people. Zoom meetings,  Saturdays 8:30 - 10:00 am EST, begins 3/18 and runs through 4/15.  $125

Group Coaching

Weekly group coaching meets Thursday nights at 6:00 pm on Zoom. Drop-in is $25. We discuss anything you want to work on for forward motion in your life, weekly homework is assigned, and showing up weekly provides the accountability you need to see changes in your life. email Julie with any questions.

Holding Space for Soul

This 6-week workshop provides a framework for a deeper sense of knowing your True Self,  your Soul.  Together we will work through my book, The little Guide to Finding Our Lost Souls. My commitment to you is to assist this process through reflective homework and guidance for 6 weeks.  Your commitment to me is weekly light homework and an open heart.

If you are ready, email me.  Limited to 6 people.  Zoom meetings, Tuesdays 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm EST, begins 3/14 and runs through 4/18 $150

Review: It is with gratitude I was invited to join in on Julie's soulful practice workshop. The timing was perfect for me to rekindle the fire in my own soul-searching journey. Her book, "The Little Guide to Finding Our Lost Souls", is just that. A guide to read with questions to ponder and suggestions for practicing. I highly recommend the book and the workshop to either begin or continue the awakening of finding your true self.

Tami Bass 

February 2023

Continuing to Live in the Mystery

Please remember to forward this email to anyone you think might benefit.

Many times I sit down at my computer, take a moment or two of silence and then see what happens while my fingers press down on the keyboard. This week, I continue to embrace living in the mystery, as many times, I have no idea what is going to come out!

I was told months ago by my astrologist (I know, you may not be a believer and that is ok) that something big would be happening in March so I wrestle with “the doing without the knowing” - seemingly my theme for 2023 - living in the Mystery.

Below, I embrace this with my watercolor practice AND introduce my 12 Future Self Principles. The watercolor work is just an exercise my good friend and art mentor, Sally, suggested I play with. So I did. Not a finished product, BUT by putting it out there, I am forced to continue to live in the mystery, adding to it and seeing what else percolates.

Move forward in the unknowing and KNOW that is ok. This is living in the Mystery, towards the Unknown with daily forward motion whether you know the why or not.

Click on the watercolor below to be taken to my 12 Future Self Principles - my blog for this week. The essence of my coaching practice all rolled up into a neat list of

12 daily to-dos.

Holding Space for Health Workshop

 Document the moments you feel most in love with yourself, what you’re wearing, who you’re around, what you’re doing.  Recreate and repeat.  Warsan Shire

I LOVE IT! A beautiful reminder to keep loving ourselves and repeating how that feels. So important.

This week in our workshop, we worked on having homework, self-prescribed homework, and the workshop seemed to be fueled with more intention. I wrote everyone’s plan down for the next two weeks as we held space for one another to re-commit or double-down on our health intentions. I am looking forward to seeing what happens over the next two weeks as some people head off for vacations. Like I said to the group, “wherever you are, whether it is in Stowe, VT or Florida, you practice your healthy lifestyle. That doesn’t change.”

Book Club Night - Meet the Author

You know I’m not really one to plug anything I do, but here I go - you’ve been warned. If you are looking for a fun night (or afternoon) with your book club, I would be happy to meet with your group for FREE to discuss my book, The little Guide to Finding Our Lost Souls (which can be purchased here). It’s a great way to spend some time with your book club friends, discussing all things Lost Souls-related and doing a medium-deep dive into the lessons in the book. Just email me and we can arrange it!


Jackson Seivwright 4/29/2002 - 2/12/2023

A beautiful weekend with my oldest son getting married ended in the news of a local young man losing his life in a skiing accident. The elation of the weekend screeched to a halt to feel the deep grief that only comes from losing such a wonderful person. Pure light and love, Jack had so many friends and lit up the room when he entered. We will all deeply miss him.

I wasn’t prepared for the role my Health workshop would play in the grieving process our entire community was feeling. Almost every participant showed up to the workshop. The workshop provided the space to fully express themselves. I had planned to chat about travel and special occasions but quickly had to pivot to consider how difficult this health thing is when we are grieving. Naturally, we want to reach for comfort foods or worse, drinks, or for some of us, we have no appetite. I realized in the midst of the workshop, what we need to do during a deep grieving process is to take the time to take care of ourselves by making better food choices, and exercising or getting out in nature. In general, you can’t care for anyone else unless you are caring for yourself. It is so important to be able to hold space for those who need it and if we are depleted, we simply can’t be there for them. We must fill our cups with LOVE for ourselves and this includes continuing to make healthy choices. Only then can we show up in LOVE for those in our lives that depend on us. I suggested they curate their days with time carved out for self-care, preparing healthy foods, and exercise. All of this is curating in the name of LOVE. And then, we can give of ourselves.

If you want to read a fabulous book about curating for your creative self and yes, everyone is creative because every day we curate our days, read The Creative Act: A Way of Being by Rick Rubin. Life changing.

And for those who enjoy my weekly blog, here it is.

Surrender and other tough practices

As you see from my habit tracker (below), I’m all about self-improvement, personal growth or whatever else you want to call it. I know, I know - people don’t like to use self-improvement anymore, but the truth is we are all a work in progress and if we think we are perfect as is, where is the growth? This week, in my blog and in my one-on-one conversations, the recurrent theme seems to be Surrender - Living in the Mystery. After all, we can only control our actions and reactions, after that, it is up to the Universe and it is up to us to get comfortable with the not-knowing, i.e. Surrender. Did you know that the Christian cross is really a symbol for Surrender? I learned that this week (listening to Eckhart Tolle on Audible - The Journey Into Yourself - which is fabulous by the way) and it made me weepy. It was just so beautiful and powerful, almost made me want to run out and buy a cross (which I won’t) or tattoo it on my wrist (which I really won’t) but still very powerful and now I have a different perspective when I see them on others. My visual reminder to Surrender. And I will tack it on to my habit tracker - as another reminder, I am not in control!

Workshop updates

Holding Space for Health: This week I introduced the habit tracker. This is a fabulous addition to my daily life that holds me accountable for the things I want to work on. I call it my Future Self. Here is an example of mine.

In the workshop, I ask participants to start one, not for eating well and exercising (and no alcohol and weighing in) but for a completely different habit - one that they have wanted to integrate into their lives but haven’t found an accountability tool. I have eating well and exercise on mine but I also have art, write and read/learn. Of course, taking care of my body is for my future self, but the other things are equally important. My goal is to show them that the habit tracker is for their future selves and that what we do now matters. Like Lao Tzu said:

Watch your thoughts, they become your words, watch your words, they become your actions, watch your actions they become your habits, watch your habits, they become your character, watch your character, it becomes your destiny.


Holding Space for Soul: This week we began to tackle Influenced Self (Ego) and all of the hats we wear and the stories associated with those hats. A big topic but an important one in order to come home to your True Self. We read the first chapter in The little Guide to Finding Our Lost Souls and together we held space for each other to break down what Ego means, the role it plays in our lives, and how to discern it from reality. Yes, Big Stuff! To be continued next week.

Blog: Dreams Aren’t Just Weird.

This week’s blog includes how my dream interpretation about

an anglerfish led to a higher Truth.

This week's musings plus a special discount for newsletter recipients Only

Before we get into this week’s musings, I will be offering only my newsletter subscribers a special discount on the next series of The little Guide to Finding Our Lost Souls workshop series. This next series starts the week of April 25. Use the coupon NEWSLETTER to receive $25 off. Offer expires 4/15 so sign up NOW!

Also, my book is now out of pre-order status on Amazon. Please share this link with your friends so they too can start changing their lives with the practices in the book! Here is the link: https://www.amazon.com/little-Guide-Finding-Lost-Souls/dp/1667831623/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8

Finally, here are this week’s postings:

This week’s blog is all about habits - again! Making the changes you want to in your life starts with setting up a practice and practicing purposefully. I share my dailies in this week’s blog.

This is true whether you want to improve your health, relationships or spiritual connection. Only a practice will lead to growth.

Ryder Carroll’s book was instrumental in my dot journal organization and commitment to my dailies. A great reference if you want to start journaling your life.

Do your part to CHANGE THE WORLD plus Tuesday's Workshop


You read the book and now you want to gift it to your friends and family. I am no longer selling it on my site but you can pre-order at Amazon. This does two things: 1. It shows Amazon this is a book worth carrying and 2. You are making a difference in the lives of your loved ones by gifting them something that only improves their world and in turn ours! Purchase your pre-orders and share the link! Thank you.

The little Guide to Finding Our Lost Souls Workshop - it’s time to do the work!

Offering only one workshop - Begins Tuesday 3/8 at noon!

You’ve read the book and now it is time to do the work! Together we will navigate the practices using accountability, questioning, and self-reflection in a supportive environment. Your newfound spiritual practices will unfold and guide you to a more soulful life.

Week 1: Awaken to the Observer through Influenced Self identification.

Week 2: Identify the roles attachment, judgment and control have in your life and how you can release them to become letting go, acceptance and surrender.

Week 3: We will work through what it means to live with intention, uncovering your gifts and how to bring them to the world.

We will meet via Zoom. You will, of course, be welcomed to join The little Guide to Finding Our Lost Souls Facebook group to continue to support each other where you can post questions or comments. Reserve your spot today. Space is limited to eight participants per group. Cost: $75. Sign up here