Going, Going. Gone

I’m not much of a storyteller. I tend to be a woman of few words. I prefer to watch life unfold. Except when it comes to the Enneagram (uh, oh, here she goes again). Hear me out.

After I left my first husband, packed up our four kids, and moved to Vermont, I started searching. There must be more to life than the life I was living. I wanted to live on purpose. I felt like I had put everything aside to raise my children - I’m thankful I did - they are great adults! However, I still felt something was missing a few years later in a new marriage and wonderful little baby (all grown up now). I continued my search, reading most every self-help and spiritual book out there before they even became their own subject categories! But nothing, I mean nothing has moved the needle more for me than the Enneagram. And, I am passionate about not only spreading the word but supporting your journey.

People don’t understand this transformational growth because I’ve simply been trying to educate people about the aspects of the Enneagram (very Point Five of me). I can tell you what has happened to me and my clients:

  • We have learned the lens through which we see life isn’t the same lens as others creating more self-compassion and compassion for others (this world needs more of both)

  • all of our relationships have improved (phew!)

  • We noticed our go-to habits that were not serving us and learned to respond instead of react

  • Based on our Point (or Type) we have discovered our gifts in a new way and have a blueprint for growth

  • We have glimpsed freedom from fixated behaviors and feel more moments of living in peace and on purpose

So yes, I’m pretty obsessed and so are my clients. The outcomes are needle-moving for sure. This is why I have created a community of support - Messy to Magical. We are all Messy and yes, we can all be Magical but not in an ego way, in a grace-filled way.

And yes, there is a free version of this community which many of you are in. This free community receives:

  • Daily inspiration:  Quick inspiring messages.

  • A habit tracker for our 7-minute practice:  Based on the Law of Seven and its dynamism, this practice helps us tap into all three Centers of Intelligence and helps us listen to the Intelligence each has to offer.  This practice alone has powerful growth opportunities helping us respond instead of react.  

  • A monthly book club:  Reading and discussing Enneagram books allows us to reflect on the Enneagram in a way we might not otherwise.  Information is power.  (usually Thursday nights)

  • Polls and questions to build community:  A glance into each community member’s Monday check-in status fostering a sense of community.  

  • Monthly Enneagram topics:  Topics as evergreen material help support our Monthly Theme and are accessible at your convenience.  

This is all great stuff. However, I also offer a leveled-up option. This includes all of the above PLUS:

  • weekly group guidance (Tuesdays, Saturdays and most likely more): With different perspectives showing up, you’ll gain insight into your behaviors and those around you, drastically improving all of your relationships.

  • monthly workshop to discuss the monthly theme:  As you learn about the Enneagram, you’ll begin to see how it applies to your life and step into your potentiality. 

  • quarterly intensives for members only:  We all need a space to do some of the deeper work and this space is the place.    

  • and as the community grows so will more offerings!

There is currently an early adopter’s leveled-up subscription price of $40 for LIFE, yes LIFE! But it will end on January 31st. Yes, going, going, gone. So sign up today and let today be the first day of the rest of your Enneagram life. We all have room for a deepening awakening and a rising of consciousness. Let’s do this together (a HUGE lesson I learned from the Enneagram!). See you in M2M!

New Year - Enlightened You

OK, so that might be a lofty goal, but I thought I might get your attention. Enlightenment is a lifelong endeavor but you must make a conscious choice to try!

The other day I was speaking with a client about how much more we learn about ourselves because of the challenges we face in our relationships - a button is pushed, a moment of laughter shared, an intimate touch, a shared grief - all of it puts to test our reactions, no matter the relationship. Are we going to choose to react or respond? If this was your only mantra this year, you would see major growth.

But let us not stop there. Let’s make a concerted effort. To do that you need a plan. Now, I’m not one to make goals and plans using the S.M.A.R.T. method. I wake up every day knowing I’m going to stretch myself just a bit more today. This doesn’t need to be Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant or Time Bound. This needs a self-assessment system like the Enneagram AND a community like Messy to Magical.

We need community, accountability, and support to grow. This has been a major lesson for me this past year. We cannot grow alone OR without a system or plan of some nature. The Enneagram shows us this blueprint so beautifully and once we understand ours, we have so much more compassion for others. Our world needs this more than ever!

This month (and this month only) I am offering my early adopters a lifetime membership to Messy to Magical for $40/month. This will never change for my early adopters (in February this will raise to $60/month and not be locked in). It includes the following:

I hope you decide to join M2M at some level (you can access the FREE Level here)  It will continue to grow into a beautiful community where together we use the power of Enneagram for personal growth and in turn raise the consciousness of everyone around us. 2025 needs the Enneagram and your growth!

Wishing you a very Happy, Healthy, and Growth-inspired New Year!

Your Missing Piece

It happened again. That icky dream.  I know where I need to go but I don’t know how.  I’m lost.  But this time, something is very different.  

I ask for directions. 

I love hearing about people’s dreams (and as a my reader, you are forced to hear about mine occasionally) because I know they are working through something.  And this time, is no different.  I am working through something.  Building my coaching practice.  But this time, my usual nocturnal frustration of dead ends and confusion, resulted in direction. 

The day before my dream,  I had asked a dominant type Seven, who recently came into my life, for some business advice.   She enthusiastically shared her techniques on LinkedIn and wholeheartedly offered continued support reminding me I am always welcome to tap into her as a resource and guide. 

This time in my dream, a woman is by my side (my sister representing the sisterhood I’m finding as I build my business) and a bartender (someone upbeat and social) showed me the way - she was my muse.  This was my new Seven friend.  Amazing.  How cool is that?!

She is what Russ Hudson refers to as my missing piece. 

Not her as a person but as a representation.  

The missing piece in the Enneagram is the high side of your stress line.  When you incorporate these positive aspects in your life, you truly come into your own, into your essential qualities because your gifts need the support of another type.  It is a perfect example of how we need one another for growth.  You can’t just stay stuck in your patterning and expect to grow.  You need the other type (in fact, we need all types, but that is another blog for another day).  

The contracted introvert, stay-in-my-lane, Five in me can’t grow without the Seven.  As a Seven, my newfound friend represents everything my conservative nature longs for and craves, I dare say, has the potential:  zest for life, adventure, possibilities, curiosity, and spontaneity.  This potential is in me, like an alter ego with all the superpowers.  

But more importantly, this potential is in YOU. 

When someone in life inspires you, take a good look at exactly what is inspiring you.  What do you see in them?  Is it possible you don’t see this in yourself?  Is it also possible, that others see this in you?  What is it about them that makes them the BOMB to you?  I guarantee these qualities are in YOU and they are the blueprint for YOUR potential.  

This looks different for different people. A wishy-washy person may want to become more decisive. A challenger may want to be more vulnerable. Someone who deems themselves “too emotional” may want those emotions more directed. Someone who is anxious may want to feel more peace.

This is what it means when I say the Enneagram is a roadmap for growth to your Essence.  I am able to see clearly the path forward.  That missing piece slips into place and everything else feels complete.  

Loving Your Family through the Holidays

It can be exciting (and challenging) through the holidays. Families are gathering, with high expectations that it will look like all of the posts we see in social media (helpful hint - don’t look there!) of the happy families celebrating together. As we chatted about in group coaching this week, the holidays start with self-compassion and then compassion for others.

Remember, we all have a suffering, a Passion (shadow or “deadly sin”). None of us show up in this lifetime exempt from this predetermined destiny. What we do with it is up to us. The simple advice - BREATHE, OBSERVE, RESPOND. As opposed to REACT REACT REACT. This is your choice. Start with self-compassion and allow that compassion to seep out to your loved ones. You will have a Thanksgiving filled with actual gratitude. You have a choice. Your choice affects the temperature in the room. It starts with you.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Read this week’s blog to learn the Secret Weapon of West Point and how it can apply to your life.

Planting the seed

Contemplating my coaching practice and just how to move forward with things, I was advised, “All you can do is plant the seed. People have to self-nourish.” This is true and it is my job to offer the seed (and soil) and hold space for self-nourishing opportunities.

This week in Messy to Magical, I will be offering group coaching on Wednesday night at 6:00 pm EST. Additionally, you will find the 7-minute practice in this community that changes weekly (sometimes daily). This 7-minute practice has taught me so much (as you will read about in this week’s blog). All of this is FREE for you to self-nourish. If you haven’t taken advantage of this opportunity, I’m just planting the seed (hint-hint). https://messy-to-magical.mn.co/

This week proved to be one of more ups and downs than my little world is used to. You can be cruising along and then BANG! Things pull you off-track. You can read this week’s blog to learn how this little Ego of mine was confronted with a whopper and what it took me to get back on track.

She's back......

Hi there, remember me? I am sorry I have been so busy with trying to build my Messy to Magical community, LinkedIn connections, my Enneagram class and weekends at West Point, that blogging and newsletter-ing have fallen away. Apologies!!

This week’s blog is a little taste of a theory I’ve been playing with about Love. Capital “L” Love. You can check that out here.

Next, I’m working on building my Messy to Magical Community. This week I am offering FREE group coaching on Wednesday night at 6:00 pm EST in the community. If you are interested in joining the group but maybe not the community, reach out to me and I can send you a link. If you are in the community, feel free to bring a friend! A couple of weeks ago, we had a nice meeting and the participants walked away feeling like they had some homework and clarity.

Finally, I know I am always pitching my Messy to Magical community but if you have sworn of social media and news, this would be a wonderful way to self-care. Cradled in compassion and love, this community is all about supporting your journey. It is curated to help you reflect on your reactions, your responses and how we can show up in presence given our dominant type. The Enneagram has the beautiful ability to ripple out and affect everyone you love, even if they know nothing about it. This community will help you show up in our world, the way you were intended to show up. Join up today: https://messy-to-magical.mn.co/

And one last note - Self-care is NOT self-preservation. It is not selfish either. Take an inventory of your self-care practices. Maybe add a few. My self-care list: watercolor journaling, baking and cooking more often (since I’m not watching the news and I’ve gotten a little lax), and reaching out to my connections more often and with intention. Maybe exercising, eating well, and taking care of your body are on your list, but again, that is self-preservation and if you aren’t already doing that, self-pres may be a blind spot for you (a different topic for another time). It would be a great time to pay close attention to those!

Be kind to yourself because when you are it is easier to be kind to the people in your life. This, now more than ever, is critical practice.

Messy to Magical is HERE!

Well, I launched it. Yes, OUR Enneagram community - Messy to Magical. It’s time to join up and enjoy the FREE content. The FREE version includes:

  • Enneagram Monthly Evergreen Material: You can explore monthly themes designed to help you understand the Enneagram system and your personality type better. We will carry these themes into our community through daily posts, and sharings designed to shift us from automatic patterns to conscious actions, thus aiding personal growth.

  • Enneagram-themed weekly Chat sessions: Participate in thematic chat sessions centered on different Enneagram types, their motivations, and coping strategies. Learning from peers in real-time begets a dynamic, interactive process that fosters mutual understanding and empathy amid diversity.

  • 7-Minute practice daily habit tracker:  This practice is a life changer and guaranteed to facilitate your waking up process.  We will check in daily with one another, holding space (and accountability) for everyone in our community.  

  • Monthly Book Club: We will read and meet once a month via Zoom to chat about the book of the Month.

Next month, I will be offering the Leveled-Up version. We need to get the kinks out before I do this but for my early adopters this will be $40/month and will look like this:

  • Everything the Free Version offers

  • Weekly Themed Group Coaching sessions:  These powerful sessions allow you to connect with Julie and the community.  We need one another for growth and these coaching sessions will prove to be invaluable. 

  • Monthly Themed Workshops:  Here our monthly theme will be introduced in a group setting and if you can't attend, you will have access to the recording.  

  • Additional workshops and discounted events (and probably MORE!)

But for now, join Messy to Magical for FREE here.

We Cannot Grow Alone!

I hadn’t heard of Mighty Networks until a couple of months ago on one of my Meet-Another-Coach calls.  She happened to share with me she has a member-only spiritual coach platform and I was intrigued.  “You mean a place where the only thing talked about is Spiritual Coaching?”   Sounded cool, I thought, or at least a version of this idea for the Enneagram of course!  

So I started digging in to some ideas and of course absolutely have to birth this idea!  So, come mid to late September I will be offering a Mighty Networks community for the Enneagram: From Messy to Magical.

Our Purpose?  

Through the Enneagram, we bring together Seekers so

we can wake up from humans doing to human Beings.  

(take that in for a second……)

This community will offer an affordable accountability and support network with a Weekly Calendar of events including member profiles, New member intros, Office Hours, Big Win of the Week,  daily practice accountability, optional homework, workshops, and much more.  Each month will be specifically themed around an Enneagram concept (i.e. Centers of Intelligence, Shadow, Fixation, etc).  Additionally, there will be type-specific groups so you can share the challenges and triumphs with your co-dominant-types.  A year dedicated to this Network promises to be a year taking you from Ego to Essence (at least on a much more consistent basis!).

Pre-launch price is $40/month (locked in forever).  Post launch, $50/month (not locked in).  

In the meantime (as the wheels continue to turn and I get my act together), be sure to get your friends typed so they too can join in on this very affordable personal growth journey.   WE CANNOT GROW ALONE - even this Five with a Social  Instinct blindspot can see that!

Here is the link to a free typing session:  https://app.paperbell.com/checkout/packages/64334

Be sure to lock in your pre-launch price by letting me know if you are interested!

What that Uncomfortable Feeling is Really Telling you and more

This week’s blog is all about that uncomfortable feeling we get when people challenge us. Why exactly do you get these feelings and what can you do about it? You can read all about it here.

Soon, this Fall, I will be offering a member-only Enneagram community. As I keep learning in my class, it takes a community to help you grow. You cannot do this journey alone. It promises to be the most transformative year of your life - community, knowledge, challenges, courses, workshops and more all in one place (most included with your affordable membership fee). This is super exciting to me because it gives people the opportunity to engage in many Enneagram resources without the 1:1 coaching experience expense, many people can’t invest in themselves. So please get your friends typed so they too can join in the Fall at an exclusive pre-launch level only of $40. After I launch, this price will increase. Email me with any questions.

Here is the Free Typing session link for your friends!

Oh, the places I want to go!

Meeting new coaches on LinkedIn has proven to be quite a self-development and business development experience and has me thinking about all of the places I want my coaching practice to go. Most of the coaches I meet, want to coach me which is fine and has proven to be quite educational.

“So pitch me and I will give you feedback.” (I don’t have a pitch - yet)

“Why are you giving this away? You should be charging.” (I do, just not for typing)

“I would like to offer something in return.” (I always think this is sweet and fun, learning how others coach 1:1 offers great lessons for me personally and professionally.)

“I have an idea…. you should tape your session and have evergreen material.” (loved this idea!)

So, I continue to bounce ideas around in my head:

  • DIY self-paced Deep Dive

  • Wordsmithing the types and their journey to Essence

  • My own 7-minute practices

  • Workshops by Enneagram subject

  • Group coaching by Type (this Fall)

If you are interested in group coaching by Type this Fall, please email me with your type so I can see which ones to offer.

This week’s blog breaks down the Instincts as I have been experiencing them while Brock is at Cadet Basic Training. I continue to learn so much in my 13-month intensive course and the Instincts have proven to be yet another amazing discovery. Russ Hudson thinks they are more important than knowing your Type! Powerful stuff.

Also, if for some crazy reason you have not subscribed to Russ Hudson’s monthly practices, here is his latest: https://vimeo.com/974482779/f452b400ca?share=copy

Having so much fun meeting people. Yes, I said that.

One thing the Enneagram has taught me is my typical response to things is just that, typical. It doesn’t mean it’s me. As Russ says, “The Enneagram shows us the unseen.” Wow - I LOVE THAT. So, to my surprise, when I recognized my shadow work (the unseen) and actually worked on it, I found more fulfillment in building my coaching practice.

As a type Five, I am deeply introverted. I also covet (read hoard, possess, obsess over) my resources of time, energy, and money (and books and food and pretty much any other resource). So as I contemplated the work of a Five, I realized, I better face these demons, ahem, shadows, head-on.

I needed a way to cast my net further so I started reaching out to other PQ Intelligence coaches on LinkedIn to discover how they use PQ and teach them how PQ and the Enneagram are related. This is way out of the box for me as this would mean investing my time and energy into total strangers. To my surprise, I actually started enjoying these chats. I went from awkward, to very curious. And you know what happened? They got curious too. So fun! Meeting like-minded coaches who want to help others by sharing their gifts, does it get any better? Apparently, not for me - I LOVE THIS!

So now you can find me holed up in my little office, chatting it up with total strangers. Who would have ever guessed? That is the power of the Enneagram. And I am so thankful for it. Seeing the unseen and working on it. Priceless.

Time to get yourself typed or retyped. This Fall I will be introducing group coaching by Type and it is super important you know your number, and it feels right (even if it feels a little icky at times). Sign up here (even if we’ve already typed together).

Don’t want to wait until the Fall to invest in your journey? You can get a jump start on your personal growth with 1:1 coaching. I offer a monthly subscription for $120/month which includes two half-hour sessions (and homework, of course). You can sign up here You can cancel at any time.

Photo by Emma Schell on Unsplash

This week’s blog takes on The Lesson of the Empty Nest. You can read it here.

Shadow work sucks

Arrogantly, a few years ago, I boldly claimed I didn’t have any shadows. Either I was delusional, ill-informed or simply full of myself. Could be a combination of all three. Come to find out, we all have a minimum of three Shadows.

I was shocked to learn this recently in my Year of Conscious Living class but once it was explained, I quickly fell in line (and agreed). Yes, I hoard my resources. Check (Shadow #1). I can also get Restless (low side of my Seven arrow). Check (Shadow #2). But this last one, I had to discover while in the moment, the low side of my Eight arrow (bossiness). Check (Shadow #3).

Never had I considered myself bossy, but this wouldn’t be something I show to just anyone. Apparently, you only show this particular shadow-y side in your most secure relationships. Bossy Pants showed up on a car ride recently when I was feeling, let’s call it, triggered.

My husband likes to bring up big topics on the way home from our Burlington trips. I can almost guarantee when it is going to happen. Maybe he is tired or hungry or just deep in thought but about 20 minutes outside of Stowe, he will drop a bomb. This time it was regarding future plans and how we would probably be in Stowe longer than I might want to be.


I hate winters and I’m building my coaching practice so we can move. Not tomorrow, but let’s say five years out. With my dreams being pulled out from under me, I stated something along the lines, “Well, I guess I will be moving and you can visit me.” Whoa. That language NEVER comes out of my mouth. I have worked to be pretty go-with-the-flow (not my nature, just growth work). So when you start talking about having to live in long winters for longer than I care to think about, I get triggered.

What triggers you when you are with your loved ones? What is your reaction? If you need a little help discovering this third shadow, the most elusive one, email me and I can help you. Or you can look at the low side of your Growth Arrow. It will be there in all its glory. I promise. And then, the real work begins - observing, reflecting, and development (presence - the key to transformation). Have fun dealing with the suck.

Be on the lookout this Fall for Group coaching sessions by Type. We will mostly likely meet twice a month as a group. Sign ups will be in August. Stay tuned. And if you haven’t been typed…. remember I offer typing sessions for free. You’ll love it!

This week’s blog is all about Virtues. We are getting closer and closer to our True Selves! YAY you!

The Teeter Totter of Our Daily Lives

If you have done a typing session with me, then you know at some point, I show a slide that says THE GOAL OF THE ENNEAGRAM, with a graphic of the Centers of Intelligence. I explain to the client that the goal of the Enneagram is to balance our Centers of Intelligence. But what the heck does that really mean?

In my 13 month class I’m taking, this week, I decided to ask a question. We have a two-hour Integration session where the teachers take questions and then they “coach” participants. I would prefer to just put my question in the chat to the moderator, but this time she encouraged me to ask the question. So with a shaky voice and a rapid heartbeat, I raised my hand in the Zoom call.

My question was about my inability to express anger or frustration. You see, I’m a Five and my dominant type comes from the Head Center. Couple that with my Arrows and it takes a little more for me to get in touch with my feelings. Don’t get me wrong, I’m deeply in touch with my empathy, sadness, and compassion (ask anyone who really knows me and they will tell you I can go from happy to tears in an instant) but those “harder” emotions, anger and frustration, don’t come very naturally to me. I think it is a combination of my observant and reflective ways, my practice of trying not to take things personally, and, as a Five, needing to process these tougher feelings before I share them (which I usually don’t). So I asked the teacher “How can I feel these?”

“When you do feel these emotions, where do you feel them?”, she asked. I replied, “In between my belly and my heart” (a recent golf outing tested this!). As expected, she suggested I take a breath and get very present with the moment. I don’t need to express this feeling, but I do need to feel it. She told me when these unusual feelings (for me) come up, put one hand on my heart and one hand on my belly and just breathe into the feeling. Notice what is happening in my heart center and body center. Stay with whatever I am feeling.

This is what I mean by balancing our Centers of Intelligence. Whether you come from your head, heart or body initially, those other two Centers need attention. We need to get in touch with them because they are telling us something, that is why they are also Centers of Intelligence. I can’t go through life thinking my way through it. I need to feel what my heart is saying and get in tune with what my body is telling me. All three play a role in our presence and can be powerful guides for the moment we are in.

All day long these Centers are activated. We just need to get in touch with them and they will allow us to live from our True Self instead of our Ego or False Self. Daily, our lives teeter back and forth between these two Selves, True and False. It is up to us to deepen our awareness of our Centers of Intelligence so we can tap into the Infinite Knowledge that is available to us when we are present.

Remember I offer FREE Typing sessions - please share this with your friends and family. EVERYONE who has done them enjoys the process and learns quite a bit about themselves whether they continue coaching with me or not.

This week’s blog is about Basic Fears and Desires. These come from our Childhood Messages. The Enneagram is a beautiful blueprint to our True Self. Join me and read up on the Spiral of Discovery and uncover your own Enneagram blueprint.

From Personality to Potentiality

I was dreading it. Pre-prom festivities.   

Don’t get me wrong.  I was excited to see the young men and women dressed up for their prom night.  It would be their last prom together. They all looked great.   

What I was dreading was the small talk and socializing with all the parents.  Give me a small group and I can handle it, not well, but I can handle it.  Dozens and dozens of other adults, well, let’s just say, I feel awkward, very awkward.  Couple that with a lack of being a drinker (maybe I should start!) and for this Five type, I just want to get back in the car and drive home.  To add to this uncomfortableness, I had nothing to wear.  I don’t usually care about this, but I didn’t want to look like I was at work - leggings and a black Smartwool sweater.  So I put on jeans and a black Smartwool sweater.  I hate getting dressed. 

I’m quickly approached by a familiar face.  You think that would be enough for me.  It wasn’t.  I scour the perimeter, looking for the photographer so I can just sit back and watch her do her thing.  That worked for a little while and then the pictures were done.  I counted the minutes and luckily it was getting chilly and I wasn’t dressed appropriately - thank God, so I said to Ernie, “Is it time for us to go?”  My husband knows me well and obliged immediately. 

For a long time, I thought this was the real me. But after studying the Enneagram (and of course, some Eckhart Tolle splashed in), I am reminded this is not me. This is the character I play in life. And whether real or fictional, this is just a character, a personality. I see my type (and your type) everywhere now and I sympathize with them. Just like all the types, the Five wasn’t meant to stay home and hoard our gifts.  To live in to my potential I need to drop this personality trait I have defined myself by. Every single one of us is meant to shine our light with others, dropping our personality and leaning into our Potentiality,

So what have you noticed about yourself that is taking you away from shining your light?  Your scenario might be different but it is still an egoic reaction.  You might always be looking for the next thing to keep you busy (Type Seven and their restlessness) instead of using that enthusiasm to inspire others. Or you might be really good at judging yourself (and others - Type One) so much that your principled nature gets caught in that loop instead of gifting those principles into advocacy.  Or maybe you think everyone else has a great life (Type Four) and you forget how much the world needs your deep emotional intelligence.  The list goes on but you get the picture.  Your forgetfulness has kept you from your potential. When you retreat into typical patterns, you are playing the character of you, the personality of you. Take a look at yourself and uncover the true gifts that you are hiding and gift them to others.  Service using your gifts is the only master plan and requires you to bring awareness to your personality to step into your Potentiality.

I offer affordable monthly coaching for $120/month.  This includes 2 half-hour private sessions and homework (of course). Click here now to start your journey.

(A Free Enneagram typing session is a prerequisite).  

Ahhhh, that's the difference between the Enneagram and those other tests.

The other day I was personally training a client, who happened to also be someone who typed with me. She was a bit confused as to the whole point of the Enneagram and the difference between the Enneagram and other personality assessments. I started to explain how it is a combination of psychology and spirituality (the differentiator). I explained to her that as a Three she likes the spotlight and her personality is such that she tends to showcase her creations (she makes beautiful works of art). That’s the psychology behind her Three-ness - garnering attention. The spirituality behind her type is her true gift - inspiring and teaching others. When she begins to spend more time offering these gifts to the world, she will be less identified with her personality (and what she produces) and more identified with her Essence. She will also feel more present and in flow when she is living on purpose sharing her gift of inspiration and teaching. Shedding our personality so that our light can shine, is really what the Enneagram is all about. I share another aspect of the Enneagram in this week’s blog.

Remember, I offer FREE Enneagram typing sessions. And if you have already been typed, please share this newsletter with a friend! You will have so much more to chat about.

Oprah Daily features the Enneagram prison project

I’m always looking out for transformative ways people are using the Enneagram. You know, beyond the personality memes that while they serve a purpose, aren’t necessarily my purpose. Don’t get me wrong, as far as I’m concerned, spreading the Enneagram love no matter what that looks like, I am all for. I want as many people to experience the Enneagram as possible. But…. for transformative growth (I know, I know, I can’t help myself), you’ve got to push yourself as evidenced by the Enneagram Prison Project.

The Enneagram Prison Project goes into prisons and educates inmates about the Enneagram. It is an eight-week program. I am on their mailing list and received such a beautiful recent email where they were featured in Oprah Daily. You’ve just got to read what a profound effect the Enneagram is having in prisons, especially for the woman featured in this article. You can read all about it here. If this doesn’t convince you of the transformative growth potential of the Enneagram, I’m not sure what will.

If you’ve been typed and would like to book some one-on-one sessions, I have an affordable option with my monthly coaching subscription. For an investment of $120/month, we will meet twice a month (half-hour sessions). This keeps you accountable on your journey which is the BEST way to see some solid personal growth. You will receive some homework (of course - I love homework) and you will see a shift in yourself and the world around you. Yay! Sign up here.

This week’s blog - Spiral of Discovery: Childhood Messages. Check it out here.

Shhh... don't tell anyone. I'm going on a 13 month journey.

I thought that might get you! Truthfully, I am going on a 13-month journey - an inward journey with Russ Hudson. Russ is a world-renowned Enneagram author, teacher, and thinker. He has written several classics about the Enneagram. He and his partner, Don Riso (now deceased) brought the Enneagram to the modern world through their ideas of how Enneagram fuses psychology and spirituality. He believes the Enneagram is the map to understanding our forgetfulness, allowing us to recognize the neural patterns that take us away from our Essence. I have signed up for his 13 month certification in Conscious Living, allowing me to do the deeper inner personal growth work so I can be a better coach (so Type Five of me). I am so excited - this is a win-win!

You too can get to know Russ through his website and free monthly guided practices. This commitment to getting present in body, mind, and heart is the cornerstone of Enneagram teachings - balancing our heart, head, and gut centers of intelligence. This can only be done through daily practice. You can enjoy this practice free from his website where you will receive his monthly practice, https://russhudson.com. You will not regret this!

Remember, to please sign up for my FREE Enneagram typing session. This is my life purpose and mission - to type as many people I possibly can to make a difference in their lives and our world. It truly is a magical tool for personal growth. Here is the link: https://app.paperbell.com/checkout/packages/64334

And here is this week’s blog where the Spiral of Discovery continues on to Saboteurs (kind of icky but the heart of the Enneagram self-growth work).

How the Eclipse Shined Light on My Shadow.

A once-in-a-lifetime event happened in our little town - a total solar eclipse. This is the perfect opportunity for this type Five to shine her light.

Waiting for the magic to happen.

Weeks ago, I had planned for my snow tires to be swapped to summers at my car dealership in Burlington. on the Friday before the eclipse. Hmm…Do you think people will be coming up for the weekend that day? What will traffic be like on our two-lane highway into town that afternoon? A quick look at the grocery store parking lot as I drove past en route to my tire swap and it looked like locals were already getting prepared. I will stop in (with my list in hand) and bust out groceries to meal-prep for the weekend. Time management.

Saturday morning, hours spent in the kitchen (Type Fives love their “me” time even if it is for the collective good) local law enforcement cautions locals to stay off the roads (even canceling school on Monday). You don’t have to ask me twice. Stay home? I’m on it!

You see, Type Fives rely almost completely on their thoughts and devising ways to conserve resources. All of this eclipse prep was the perfect scenario to shine my light - shopping before the crowds, staying home, prepping meals, But is that really shining my light, or is it shining light on my shadow? I would say with all of that resource conservation, shadow work is definitely playing out. Did someone say Avarice?

In Chris Heuertz’s book The Enneagram of Belonging, he graciously assigns type-specific loving-kindness mantras to help us manage our Shadows and Saboteurs. I recite them daily (especially when the night-time thoughts creep in) and these phrases have helped me incredibly.

May I be here now.

The view from our spot - Totality.

May I say Yes to the silence.

May I let go.

May I have Faith (I’ve added this one specifically for me to be more open to the Universe’s energy and guidance.)

As my mantra played in my head, tick, tick, tick so did the countdown to totality. I thought about how lucky I was to be experiencing this with Ernie and Brock. This would most likely be something we never experience together again. So be here now, Julie. Say yes to the Silence. Let go. Have Faith.

Preparation for the eclipse brought out the Avarice in me, but when it was time to experience it, my shadow stayed away. The work is a daily thing. And I’m ok with that. When I needed to shine my light and get deeply present, I did and experienced something I will never forget.

Remember, my Enneagram Typing Sessions are FREE. As I explained to a group of women earlier this week - YOU ARE NOT TAKING ADVANTAGE OF ME - typing helps me build my business! So please, if you haven’t been typed, sign up!

This week’s blog is about two of the Enneagram triads. These are very useful triads as they have to do with conflict style and how we interact with others to meet our needs. If you haven’t been typed, maybe reflect on your style and you might be able to discern your type.